Daily Roll Call 05/31

amivox Posts: 441 Member
32 Days Left!!!


  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    Level 1 Day 9 DONE!!!!!
  • jen_vick84
    jen_vick84 Posts: 4
    Just found this board. I started my 30 day shred on tuesday.
    starting weight 130lbs
    waist 29inches
    hips 36inches(damn these love handles)
    Thighs R 23inches L 22inches
    arms R 11 L 10
    Day 1 I didnt drink enough water and then day2 I had horrible leg cramps...excercised through it anyway! Today I am looking forward to working out!!
  • jkrim941
    jkrim941 Posts: 226 Member
    Take 2: Level 1: Day 5.

    Everything is getting easier, besides those stupid anterior raises with the side lunge. I WILL master it by day 10!

    Also, I'm doing the girl pushups right now. Hopefully, I will be able to do regular ones soon.
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 336 Member
    Day 7 Done XD
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    Level 1 day 9.. yeah just today and tomorrow and i move on two level 2.. dont know what to expect with level 2.. hope its not that bad..
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    This morning I completed L1 D10!!! So tomorrow I move on to L2 D1. I'm a little anxious. I stayed with natalie the whole time. I was literally kicking myself in the *kitten*. And I did real push ups today instead of knee push ups! Though they were slower. I'm still using the 2 lbs weights but I'm thinking of buying 3lbs or even 5 lbs. What do you guys think?

    I haven't lost any lbs yet but I do feel stronger and my clothes are fitting better.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Level 1 Day 9 Done. Am to the point where I am looking forward to level 2 just to switch things up.
  • sch7355
    sch7355 Posts: 55
    Day 5 of Level 1 COMPLETE!

    I don't know if it's because I'm gaining muscle, but I haven't lost any weight since the week before starting the 30 Day Shred, and before that I was consistently losing about a pound a week. It's not that the weight I'm at is bad, but when I don't see a change on the scale it's hard for me to tell if I'm making progress. Anyone else having this issue?
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Take 2: Level 1: Day 5.

    Everything is getting easier, besides those stupid anterior raises with the side lunge. I WILL master it by day 10!

    Also, I'm doing the girl pushups right now. Hopefully, I will be able to do regular ones soon.

    I started doing the girl push-ups as well, but then I got mad at myself and made myself do at least 1 real one before I did the "girl" version. Before I knew it I could do 6 or so of the real ones before I changed. Just keep pushing yourself! You can do this!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    This morning I completed L1 D10!!! So tomorrow I move on to L2 D1. I'm a little anxious. I stayed with natalie the whole time. I was literally kicking myself in the *kitten*. And I did real push ups today instead of knee push ups! Though they were slower. I'm still using the 2 lbs weights but I'm thinking of buying 3lbs or even 5 lbs. What do you guys think?

    I haven't lost any lbs yet but I do feel stronger and my clothes are fitting better.

    I vary my weights on some of the moves. The side lunges are my lowest weights, the bicep curl with lunges are my highest weights. I range from 2.5 lbs to 7 lbs weights
  • chollylee1
    chollylee1 Posts: 1
    Day 1!!!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Day 8, Level 1 ... COMPLETE!!
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    Level 1 day 9.. yeah just today and tomorrow and i move on two level 2.. dont know what to expect with level 2.. hope its not that bad..

    I've been doing level one from youtube. But, the other day my dvd came in the mail and I had to check out level 2. I was a little worried but really it's not bad. What was hard for me was the push ups. You start from a standing position and crawl in to the move and then back up again and then down. It was hurting my palms, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe some sort of sport glove would help me. That and the double jumps was a bit tough for me. Overall I was pleased with it. I have more more day of level 1 to complete and then I'm right behind you! :)
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    Level 1 day 8 - check

    I am getting board of level one so I think I will skip ahead to level 2 tomorrow so that I dont quite on it. Plus I will not be able to get 30 days in since I leave for my wedding in 20 days.

    Happy Thursday!
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    Level 1 - Day 4, Check! :-)
  • Candicimo
    Candicimo Posts: 44 Member
    Finished day 10 level 1 : ] I start level 2 tomorrow!
  • cyn4him
    cyn4him Posts: 83 Member
    Halfway through level 1 !!!!
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    *sigh* thought I'd be jumping into this today, but my DVD that I ordered online has not arrived yet! Sad panda. I guess there is still the possibility it may arrive tonight-ish? grrr.
  • SassyJane21
    SassyJane21 Posts: 4 Member
    Level 1 - Day 1 DONE!!! OMG Jillian Michaels just wooped my butt LOL
  • Day 7 level 2 :)