How will we be accountable?

I like the idea of this group and would love to commit to doing 30 days of activity. I see a lot of people saying they want to be held accountable... but how exactly are we going to hold each other accountable? Are we going to check in? Can we make a weekly challenge? I know last question is like a group within a group (INCEPTION!), but I'm just curious...

Good luck everyone! :drinker:


  • TiffTiff81
    TiffTiff81 Posts: 7
    I think checking in would help with accountability. I know when I see that some of my other MFP friends have logged their exercises it pushes me to get mine in. I have 4 kids and a husband so I tend to get side tracked and put working out off sometimes, but once I get on MFP and see my friends getting it done, I drop what Im doing and I start my workout. :-)
  • liz_steinborn
    liz_steinborn Posts: 27 Member
    I'm happy to check in regularly. What sort of incentives to people have for themselves? I think, after exercising every day for the month, I'm getting a new pair of running shoes!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I get busy and sometimes forget to check in. But works for me. I work out everyday to some degree. I think it would be nice to maybe tell abit of what we are doing. That way we maybe give each other new idea's of something to do.
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    I'll be making a thread for check ins every day. There's already too many for me to poke people who slack, but I'm playing with some ideas for people who want an extra push beyond saying, "I did it!" every day.