Calling All 100 + Biggest Losers!!

jdmonet Posts: 6 Member
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I let food control my life. I lost 100lb in the past and gained 100+ due to a major move, work, life, family etc. I want to be free and enjoy my life. Let motivate one another. Here are my MIni Goals:

S/W 350
C/W 334

Mini Next Goal Target:
Weigh 331 lbs on June 9

What is your target goal weight on June 9? I can't wait to post my weight on June 9th.

Rember to do exercise, drink your water, eat more fruit and veggies!!


  • Hi my name is DIane and originally I was 455, got down to 250 and with a salt craving due to anemia (untreated) I ended up at 344. I am currently 311 (but I had WLS 3 weeks ago). My goal for June 9th is to be at 299/300.
  • LaRhesaC
    LaRhesaC Posts: 1
    I'm LaRhesa. I'm 33, 5'9" and I currently weigh 312.4 pounds. My goal weight is 175 pounds and I expect this to take about two years to reach. I've never been slim, but gained 30-40 pounds after suffering a second trimester miscarriage in 2007. I ate my grief. My husband and I have been trying to conceive (unsuccessfully) since then and my doctor thinks weight loss will help. So, I want to lose weight to achieve this goal. My lack of will power works against me as I love carbs and crave them. I hope to weigh 311 a week from now.
  • Lin806
    Lin806 Posts: 20
    Right now i weigh 233.. which doesn't seem like much to some, but to me,, its horrible.. I've always been over weight.. and i would love to see anything below 200.. milestone would be 199. I don't exercise much thanks to some ulcers on my foot and leg but i do try when i can. its just very depressing/
  • nyvickie
    nyvickie Posts: 9 Member
    I understand exactly I am also sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am 50 pounds heavier than the day I walked in the hospital to give birth to my child 13 years ago.

    Current weight - 261
    Goal weight on June 9th - 258

    I have lost a few points just by paying attention to my eating this week my goal is to exercise 3 days before June 9th.
    I have a cruise in August (10 weeks away) I would like to be down 30 pounds.
  • nyvickie
    nyvickie Posts: 9 Member
    I understand about the foot problems I just had foot surgery 8 weeks ago and I feel just as bad as I did before. The bottom of my foot is not healing properly because of the weight.
    I am going to just work through it. I do the recline bike it is less pressure on the foot and circuit training. It is depressing but I have hope that it won't be forever. I know it can be done a pound, a meal at a time.
  • ForMe31217
    ForMe31217 Posts: 42
    I am now at 357. my goal is to be 20 pounds lighter by July 29th.
    But more is always better :-) My total weight loss goal is 180 pounds.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I'm Amber....I'm only twenty one years old and I weigh 225 pounds.
  • kristiontheinside
    kristiontheinside Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 27 and 5'7". I started at 303 on March 1 and currently weigh 267. My goal is 150, which is right in the middle of the healthy range for my height.
    My goal weight for June 9th is 264.
  • lostemt
    lostemt Posts: 152 Member
    My name is Ingrid and 36 and current weight is 289. Have arthritis in both knees with both also being bone. Right now the arthritis is so bad that I really can't walk a lot but do swim. Want to get the pain under control to be able to back to running again. Still have a long way to but have lost 46 lbs so far.
  • I'm Chengu, I'm 27 and I want to lose about 105 total. I started on April 1st at 260 pounds and currently weigh 239 pounds. I have gained weight because my body has been in starvation mode for years. I don't eat all day, then have a HUGE dinner and either snack all night or go straight to bed, so I've been overweight for years. I've been working out really hard, but have had a hard time eating all the calories I need to to take my body out of starvation mode and really lose the weight.

    Now that I'm tracking my calories and eating healthier food in 5 or 6 meals a day, I hope to reach my goal of 155 by the end of August.

    My goal weight for June 9th is 230. I wish every single one of you luck in achieving your goals!! :flowerforyou:
  • trachnurse
    trachnurse Posts: 51
    My name is Tracy, and I am starting over today. Two years ago I lost 65 lbs and have gained back 40. I aim to lose 109 lbs in whatever time period it takes. I am 290 today and hope to be 287 by June 9. Good luck everyone!
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, all. I started losing weight in November of last year and had gone from 280 down to 255 and was feeling great. Then life took a strange turn and it threw me over the edge. I was not sure how to deal with all of this and so I turned to my good friend FOOD for advice. I also quit going to the gym and overall went into a pretty bad funk. On the positive side, my divorce was finalized late April and so I am starting fresh in many aspects of my life. I am letting go of alot of old baggage shall we say? And now it is time to let go of over 100lbs of baggage that has been weighing my self esteem and my life down.

    For the most part, I am a very happy active person. But when I come home and I am alone, I turn to food to fill that void. Tomorrow I am going back to the gym so that I have a new "friend" to visit instead of coming home after work and dwelling on how to fill that empty hole.

    I have not reached out before in the groups or to people on here so I think this is going to help me to stay on track. I am certainly willing to "listen" and help out wherever I can. We are all in this together! So cheers to the BIGGEST LOSERS!!!:wink:
  • LovleeGirl
    LovleeGirl Posts: 18
    Last week I weighed 250lbs. I would like to drop 50 to 60 pounds by the end of the year and the other 50 pounds by my birthday next June. June 7th I hope to have dropped at least 2 to 3 more pounds. I think with hard workd and determination I can successfully complete my goal, and I know you all can as well.
  • sweetiemimila
    sweetiemimila Posts: 28 Member
    I am glad I found this group first and foremost. Hi to e1. My name is Mimi. My current weight is 396.8 lbs. My highest weight was 456 lbs. I am determined to lose 100 lbs before January 1, 2013. By the 9th of June, my goal weight is 389 lbs. I work out everyday no matter if it is walking or going to the gym. I try to eat right, but I am in the process of learning more. Look forward to talking to you guys and seeing you all have an awesome journey. I am here to motivate when I can and show support. Thanks
  • diverdiver
    diverdiver Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa. Currently 241 pounds so I have just over 100 pounds to lose. By June 7th I hope to be 239.... fingers crossed
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! My name is Kendra and I am 24 years old. I am a single mother who has been through some ups and downs and usually turn to food as a source of refuge. I had my son when I was 17 and gained 50 pounds with the pregnancy. Two years later, my dad got sick and passed away 2 and a half years ago. I have been struggling with being overweight for most of my life and I am sick and tired of being self-conscious and feeling as though everyone is judging me. I want to be able to look in the mirror and like what I see. The last time I weighed myself I was at 264lbs. My overall goal is to be at 160, that is a loss of 100+ pounds. By June 9th, I am hoping that the scale will read 260lbs. I am hoping to be down below 250 by the end of the month.
  • doterice
    doterice Posts: 6
    So this is my 1st day as part of the group. I have been working like the ****en to not reach 200 pounds. while attending a wedding , I got a look at what 198 looked like and it was not pretty so i am hoping to make a new start and since I have been on this program starting memorial day, I have lost 4 pounds. I am hoping to lose an addditional 2 pounds by next week . The goal is to be at 178 by the end of July.
  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Hello everyone. I just joined this group today and I am excited to be among others who want to lose 100+lbs.
    My name is Bethany, I am 21 years old and I currently weight 260. Last month I was only 240 but then I decided to quit smoking for good and I gained 20lbs without a problem. I have always been plus size and for once I would like to be happy with myself, and want to be in public without having to worry about what I look like or and just feel comfortable. I would like to lose 100lbs by April of next year for a friend reunion I am having.
  • Hi everyone! I just joined the group today! I can't wait to get to know all of you and support you along your journey! Ive been overweight my entire life but now I'm in school to be a Physical Therapist and I'm finally serious about my own health!
    I'm 21 years old and I started my journey February 1, 2012 at 292.
    Today I am 258 and I'm loving the way I feel! I am committed and I can't wait to meet my goal. My goal weight is 189. I will graduate college May of 2013 and my parents are planning a special vacation for our family to celebrate so I definitely want to meet my goal by then! :)
  • bggrlzdntcry
    bggrlzdntcry Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. I'm Bernita. 43 yrs old, 5'5", 247. I started the year at 261. I joined Weight Watchers in January, but didn't exercise at all. I lost a couple pounds, but really started noticing the difference when I started exercising. I go to the gym 3-4 times per week and I really enjoy it. My goal is to be 180lbs. It may not happen this year, but it will happen. I have never been "normal" size, even as a baby I was heavy. I know that it's taken the last 43 years to get to this size, so I'm not expecting to be a size 2 by fall. What I am expecting is to keep trying. I am learning to eat clean and exercise consistently. And I drink more water than I've ever wanted! LOL

    SW: 261
    CW: 247
    GW: 180