Weight loss so far ...



  • Teresava77
    Teresava77 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm down 6lb this week but it was my first week and I worked very hard.

    Fell off the wagon a bit today thanks to the weather but will be back on it tomorrow and hope for another couple of lb this week. Half term is always tricky though so might need a kick up the bum by Tuesday to keep it going :-(
  • DarinGettingHawtin2013
    DarinGettingHawtin2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Some of the things I have noticed in my short 3 weeks are:
    -it is more expensive to eat well
    -it is more time consuming to eat well
    -losing weight is time consuming with finding time for the gym, planning meals, shopping differently, etc
    -it is all about focus. You can have all the support in the world (and there is lots on here...thanks!) but if you are not self focused it will not happen
    -one bad day does not ruin the effort
    -it is much easier to make bad decisions than good ones....

    Amen. I'm finding it's a sum of all decisions, not one decision which "ruins" all the work. And boy, it's easy to slide back into old habits, isn't it??? I'm trying to set things up so it's easy to make good decisions. Keep good things to snack on at work. Plenty of ways to make the day more active. Try to add vegetables to every meal.

    Congratulations on your family doing this together. My fiance is also being very supportive in my efforts, which makes all the difference.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    No weight loss for me..Visit from Tom does not help me. Pumping all my workouts and water intake. Congrats to those that are surpassing your goals!
  • cindygagnon
    cindygagnon Posts: 30 Member
    only a pound :mad:
    but starting to understand the diet to suit me ,so will expect a big drop by next week
    same here :grumble: i'm gonna try something else:ohwell:
  • kimaelick
    kimaelick Posts: 2 Member
    1 .1 pounds ..... but I can't get to the spread sheet) ... think I'm number 142 --- help ??:ohwell:
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I lost 1.2lbs this week and to be honest I'm okay with that. I'm less than 30lbs from my goal (like 26) so I know the weight won't come off super fast and this was my first week getting back in to a heavy routine after two weeks of crazy life where I worked out bare minimum
  • Nurseingu
    Nurseingu Posts: 17 Member
    Gained 5 lbs this week:(:(:(......that's what I get for not preparing my meals and eating on the run. Anyway meals prepared for this whole week. No excuses. This is a new week....
  • Nurseingu
    Nurseingu Posts: 17 Member
    I am so embarassed ...
    I have not lost anything and have gained...
    What DO I DO???

    I don't know how long you've been working on weight-loss, but don't feel bad for not loosing any. One thing I've learned from reading blogs, trying other diets that I have not manage to keep up, and so on, is that you can't have weightloss Every week. Just keep doing what you're doing, maybe take an extra walk in the morning or evening if you really fell and have time for it.

    Maybe check "Eat more to weigh less" if they might have some ideas.

    Dont's feel bad. I gained 5 lbs. didn't do what I was suppose to do and have noone to blame but myself. Diet is 80% and exercise is 20%. And this week proved it. I did exercise but my diet was horroble. On that note I know what I have to do. And I'm just going to do it!!! And you can too. Just do what you need to do and put this week's weigh in behind you.
  • Nurseingu
    Nurseingu Posts: 17 Member
    I gained a pound :( 1.6 to be exact!! Now im about to get my lazy self up and go workout again!!

    That's OK...I gained too. But we're going to put this week's weigh in behind us and just do what we have to do. We know what we did and didn't do to get this gain. Today is a new day!!!
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I lost at least 3.2 lbs! (At least, 3.2lbs is what I'm recording here.) I am super stoked because this means I am OUT of the 200s. Eff yeah!
    Congrats to everyone else on your amazing losses. Keep it up, folks!

    I lost 2.8 which also put me out of the 200s...so to quote above......EFF YEAH!!!
    Everyone is doing great!
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    I have lost 2 lbs and am happy with it. I plan on stepping it up this week and seeing if I cannot get my metabolisim rolling!
  • katycat24
    katycat24 Posts: 32
    Somehow I managed to gain .4 this week. :explode: Obviously I am not happy with that. I will be upping my exercise as best I can (I have a couple of physical injuries/limitations at the moment), though I don't think I can reduce my calories any further than the current 1200. I guess I will keep plodding along and hoping my body starts to understand what it is supposed to do.
  • tinyjaz
    tinyjaz Posts: 75 Member
    Lost 2.2 lbs (1 kilo) Happy with that, although this week will be challenging.