Do you have monthly TMMO goals and MFP goals?



  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Awesome! I have really fallen of fof both wagons - weighed in this morning at 167 - yuk. I am on serious calroie reduction now and watching my coins!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Its definitely easy to do, but- tomorrow is a new day! You CAN and WILL do it!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    And, for clarification, the "it" is fall off the wagon. Rededicating and watching the calories/coins is NOT easy (but still worth it!) :happy:
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Okay had a good week last week - lots of exercise and healthy food. We did go out to eat a bunch over the weekend but I was on vaacation so I was good with that. We spent three days putting in a new vegetable garden. It seems like every year we don't like what we did the previous year and we start over every time. This year takes the cake though it took 3 days at about 8 hours of labor per day. I feel like I got a great workout at least!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hey- Hope your past week has gone smoothly! Vegetable gardens are always nice, as long as they produce! Mine is steadily growing, but no produce yet (other than the herbs).

    I'm up about 3 lbs, but considering how much I've eaten between Vegas and Memphis, I need to be thankful that it's only 3!!! I have about a week and a half to try to get that down and then off for another couple days to Chicago (another food intensive trip)...

    Hope you are doing well and sticking with your goals!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    It was a great weekend- my weight is still about 168-167.... We have been doing a lot of work on the gardens and yard which is hard and make s me stronger but I don't lose weight. I need to get back to running!

    No produce for us yet either but everythng is growing nicely!

    I too would be happy with gaining 3 pounds after two trips! I hope that you had fun!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Haha- I hear you- I need to get back into running, or really just any kind of regular activity. We ran around a fair amount while on vacation, but we definitely ate more than we walked (always a sign of a good vacation, right?) I figure my activity will resume when I get back from Chicago. Then I can really buckle down and try to lose some weight before my birthday hits!

    Hope you're having a good week!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    I keep telling myself that I will get back to regular workouts far no luck with that though. We are working so hard on the propery that we run out of steam before we run!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, at least you are still staying busy! I've just been lazy!!! I'm definitely fighting the "why try to pick up the exercise now since I'm going to be leaving again in 2 1/2 days"... Downside is that after a weekend of eating (Greek Festival on Saturday and amusement park on Sunday), I'm already up 2-3 pounds again :noway: I'll admit, though, I enjoyed everything that I ate, so I guess that counts for something- just not weight loss.

    Alas, next Monday, I'll be getting back on track and trying to lose weight before my birthday! I'm debating joining WW online just b/c everyone I know who's doing it right now (and sticking with the program) is losing TONS of weight. I'm thinking about doing the WW program and still tracking on here so I can try to figure out what their method is....

    Good luck on your yard work, and resuming your non-yardwork activities!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hope you are doing well with your physical and financial goals!

    I'm back from all of my excursions- nothing terribly excited on the horizon at this point :sad: BUT- I should be able to start buckling down on the weight loss and exercise now!!!! I should be getting 30 Day Shred from Netflix in the next couple days so my plan it to resume my exercising next week! I'm a little nervous, but I'm hoping I can pull myself together- I have a birthday in a month (gulp)... Not that I HAVE to look/feel a certain way for a birthday- it's not even a milestone birthday, but I'd like to feel good about myself and feel like I look better at 37 than I have for most of 36!

    Hope you're doing well and looking forward to hear what you've been up to lately!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hi all. I was wondering if there was a group for Dave Ramsey fans on MFP. Well, here I am.

    Some notes on me.

    Dave fan since 2005 and currently on Baby Step 6. Been through FPU 5 times.

    Since most of my TMMO goals are on auto pilot, I'm focusing more on MFP goals which include dropping 15 pounds and gaining general fitness for my love of cyclocross racing in the fall.

    Look for forward to hearing from all of you.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Aaron! CONGRATULATIONS on getting to BS6!!! I actually tried to sign up for another FPU class recently, but it seems everyone in my area is taking the summer off, so maybe in the fall...

    You clearly have dedication and discipline so I'm sure you'll be able to meet ANY goals you set! Do you have a time goal for the 15 pounds?
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hi Aaron! CONGRATULATIONS on getting to BS6!!! I actually tried to sign up for another FPU class recently, but it seems everyone in my area is taking the summer off, so maybe in the fall...

    You clearly have dedication and discipline so I'm sure you'll be able to meet ANY goals you set! Do you have a time goal for the 15 pounds?

    Thanks. I'm thinking by October, I should be down to meeting my gaol.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds like a VERY reasonable goal, Aaron! So, not to sound stupid, but what is cyclocross?
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Not a stupid question at all. I get asked it all the time. Cyclocross (or cross for short) is a form of bicycle racing on road bikes that takes place usually in September through January on a enclosed track (usually a park type area) and consists of many laps of a short (2.5–3.5 km or 1.5–2 mile) course featuring pavement, wooded trails, grass, steep hills and obstacles requiring the rider to quickly dismount, carry the bike while navigating the obstruction and remount. I tried it for the first time last fall and it was the HARDEST type of bike racing I have ever done. But it was the most FUN I have ever had.

  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Wow, that sounds very challenging- both mentally and physically!! What is the typical total distance? I've run a few marathons and they can be challenging physically, but there's usually not a lot of "thinking" about it- in fact I normally spend most of my race trying to disengage (just remembering right foot, left foot). I can't imagine if I actually had to perform any critical thinking.....
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    It is demanding. They say it is one of the hardest forms of bike racing. Usually there is a set number of laps (a lao might be 1.5 to 2.5 miles) or a time limit. Pro men ride for 60 minutes and pro women go for 45. Other classes usually go from 30-45 minutes.

    If you think you can ride that 45 minutes no problem, think again. At the 8 minute mark, I figured it was going to be a looong day. At the 15 minute mark, I was looking for the car. At 20 minutes, I was hoping the earth would open up and swallow me. I did finish though. Pain in endurance sports is addicting. Try riding at 95% heart rate, dismounting from your bike and running. It does not work too well the first time you try it. :laugh:
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Aaron & Joe! I've been quiet on here lately because I've basically fallen apart on both watching my food intake/exercise AND my finances.

    Since you've both been successful with DR, any suggestions for getting back on track (other than "just do it" :laugh: ). I've tried searching DR's site to see about getting into another FPU class, but I can't find anything- maybe summer just isn't a popular time? I'm planning to listen to his radio show this afternoon, but honestly, I don't really like talk radio- so I rarely make it through.

    Thankfully I'm still working with cash, but I started raiding some of my "lump sum allocations" so now I'll have to not only budget for next month, but also pay myself back.... Just need a shot of motivation- any help or suggestions? :flowerforyou:
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Found a class and got signed up (starting in about a month)- turns out the classes weren't showing b/c they were waiting for the announcement of the new FPU format! Yay!!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sorry to say but the only way to get back on track is to do it. You have to be tired of living the way you are living. Is it easy? No, just worth it. If you can't listen to all of his talk show, go to the Ask Dave section on his site. He sorts and answers questions by subject. The Best of Dave tab usually has some good motivating talks.