Looking for mom friends



  • momto3angels11
    momto3angels11 Posts: 1 Member
    33 yr old mom to 3 and an Army wife...trying to lose 88 lbs while husband is deployed...feel free to add me
  • kkalanquin
    kkalanquin Posts: 21 Member
    HI! I'm a 26 year old mom of 3 (6,4, & 2). I've always battled with my weight but it definitely got worse after having kids. My goal is to be down 50 lbs by this time next year. Preferrably sooner! But, I have a tendency to start changing diet just to fall off the wagon. This time, I want to stick to this! I definitely need some accountability buddies!! Please add me and help me stay focused and I'll do the same for you!

    My profile page is a work in progress; pictures coming soon!
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    I'm a 41 year old working mom of 2 (ages 6 and nearly 3). I've lost about 8 pounds so far. About 35 more to go! I need all the motivation I can get. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Hello ALL.. I'm a 29 year old mother of two. A 9 year old girl and a soon to be 3 year old boy.. I'm not working at the moment but do know how it goes working and understand the staying at home aspect as well. Feel free to send request.
  • I have a 6 month old and have struggled with findings the balance of working nights full time, and being home with my little guy. Anyone here feel free to add me. I need people to help push me, especially on my tired days!!!
  • natalienicole502
    natalienicole502 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi girls!!! I am a 26 year old mom of FOUR... all under 6!!! Can you say, BABY-WEIGHT????!!!!! I have over 100lbs to lose!!! Feel free to add me! I'm in Texas!!! =)

    My blog: www.skinnychicago.blogspot.com
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Any moms want to add me please feel free. I am very supportive and post a few times a day on peoples statuses. I am in serious mom on a mission mode!
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    first time mom of an 8 mo old i stay home with her and she gets into everything so trying to work out is hard cuz i cant leave her alone and shes always underfoot feel free to add me
  • Anglcndle
    Anglcndle Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a 30 year old single mom. I've given up on trying to go to the gym even though I love it! I feel guilty enough that my daughter is in daycare by 6:30am and sometimes stays as late as 5pm. I love going to the gym, but I'm working on doing stuff at home. Any suggestions would be great. I would love to get out more with my daughter, but since I've started my weight loss journey, we've only had about 5 days of decent weather! Ahhhh!!!!!

    Feel free to add me!
  • buffy113
    buffy113 Posts: 2
    hello im a mum of one boy aged 18 mths ! i suffered from PND and the weight went up to over 200 lbs, im aiming to lose over 60 lbs , it is going to be a very long journey ! my other half is also over weight but keeps buying snacks and junk despite knowing we both need to lose weight !!!
  • Hi all...37 year old mom of three...5,4 and almost 2. Looking to motivation and others to share the struggle. You can add me!!!
  • MrsHarvey2010
    MrsHarvey2010 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there :) I'm a 22yo mom of one. Trying to lose another 15lbs or so. My DD is red-headed and every minute of it Lol so she keeps me busy. Looking for pals :) feel free to add me and email me.
  • BrookeeFranks
    BrookeeFranks Posts: 17 Member
    I am from Arkansas. I work full-time and have a very energetic 5 year old daughter at home. Working on losing at least 80 pounds. Add me if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I'm a 27 yomum of 4 (7,5,2.5 &8m) trying to lose bout 20lbs before I reassess where I'm at and how I feel. :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • HI! I am a mom of a 4 year old little boy. I work full time with a commute of 45 minutes each way (living in PA working in MD). I find it hard to fit in exercising, and eating healthy that in its own is a full time job. Feel free to ADD me!!! I would love the support from other mommas. =)
  • laureen8885
    laureen8885 Posts: 5 Member
    Married, working mom 32 of a 9 year old son. I work 45-50hrs a week, plus PTA, plus soccer mom, plus MMA mom, plus mommie to a fur baby, and kermit crabs, and homework, and the gym, and dealing with an ADHD and ODD 9yr old going on 19!

    I live in Plano, TX......add me! I'd love a walking/running buddy to do the trails with me!
  • I am a 41 year old mom of two, an almost 3 year old boy and an 18 month old girl. I live and work in the Washington, DC area. I have lost about 25 lbs (all the pregnancy weight), but have 75 more to go! I have been tracking daily and browsing the message boards/community posts, but have been hesitant to become involved. It is a bit intimidating and overwhelming. But, I would love to make MFP friendships where we could support one another!
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    I have two little ones- 22 mos and 3 years. Would love some fellow mom support!
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    I have two little ones- 22 mos and 3 years. Would love some fellow mom support!

    I'm 32 and live in the Philly area!
  • I am on the same journey! Adding some of you ladies in this thread :)