was it an opps or planned?



  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Wow! Another nuvaring oops here! My youngest is 5, so I thought we were done. Getting a tubal after this one so I can't mess up my birth control again!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    This baby was planned, but we thought it would take at least 3 cycles to get pregnant. NOPE! Lol

    We decided to NTNP in Jan and got our BFP next cycle! Our youngest is a year old and we wanted them close together, but I honestly thought she would be 1 1/2 before it happened. Oh well...we are happy :happy:
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Ours was planned, we had been trying since January and got prego in febuary.. that was fast! :blushing:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm the same as Myriane! Even my doctor was surprised! Saw him Feb 15th for my regular pap and mentioned we were trying, was back to see him about 2 weeks later to confirm the BFP!

    Noticing a few NuvaRing comments on here. That was the last b/c I was on, and I stopped using it after about 6 months because of nausea and the thing just got to be uncomfortable and I was having issues with it sliding out. (I stopped using it 2 years ago, not sure if they've improved it since then!)
  • rlwzgd
    rlwzgd Posts: 46 Member
    Ours was an oops, but we are so excited she's on the way! Can't wait to meet this little thing!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Ours was planned. We started trying in January, and got our BFP on January 22nd. We were pretty shocked that it happened so fast.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Ours was an oops. I was on birth control but actually did not ovulate in the correct week. I ovulated during the week I was supposed to be on my period anf taking the placebo pill. Even though the lil peanut is unplanned he/she is not unwanted. We were planning on trying sometime next year. We are now just a year ahead of the game. lol

    Also an "oops" for us. Hubby was out of town, missed a couple pills at the end of the pack, figured since hubby is out of town and they are the very last pills that its no biggie, hubby comes home, yadda yadda yadda. Babies (I think it is twins, but no official confirmation yet) should be here for Christmas (38wks) or 1-6-13. We are both VERY excited.
  • Aphrodite3010
    Aphrodite3010 Posts: 65 Member
    This pregnancy was an oops, for sure. It took a long time for us to get pregnant with our son, I always assumed it would be the same if I wanted another baby. I had been tracking my period and they were never really that regular, about 45 days in length. I thought I had ovulated the previous week, we actually only had sex once the month this baby was concieved. It was a total shocker, I didnt even take a test till my period was 10 days late, and my husband told me I was pregnant before I believed it. LOL he did the same thing with our son, so the man must have his own 6th sense for pregnancy! Needless to say we're getting excited about having another little baby in our family!
  • ajelove
    ajelove Posts: 97 Member
    First one was a wanted surprise...second one was planned. We are apparently the most fertile people ever. The due date means it we conceived our first try! Very lucky :)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Wasn't exactly planned bc I have pcos and pretty much wrote off that it would ever happen but after a year and losing 86 pounds BAM!!! This pregnancy was such an amazing surprise and I am super ecstatic to become a mom!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wasn't exactly planned bc I have pcos and pretty much wrote off that it would ever happen but after a year and losing 86 pounds BAM!!! This pregnancy was such an amazing surprise and I am super ecstatic to become a mom!!

    YAY! Great job on the weightloss and CONGRATS!!!!!!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    This one was a surprise. But we're pros at this, so we're just rolling with it. :laugh:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Wasn't exactly planned bc I have pcos and pretty much wrote off that it would ever happen but after a year and losing 86 pounds BAM!!! This pregnancy was such an amazing surprise and I am super ecstatic to become a mom!!

    YAY! Great job on the weightloss and CONGRATS!!!!!!!

    Thank you SO much!!
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    Ooops. No birth control for more than 3 years. Thought we were out of the woods due to our ages. I should have known - my grandmother was 45 when my father was born. Must run in the family :laugh:
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Um, neither for us. lol

    We were on the fence of having another one and weren't consistent on BC, and shoulda known we have no probs with fertility! (With #1 we got prego the first cycle after a reversal).