Are they kidding?

1200 calories! I went over by over 400 yesterday and I thought I had done awesome. Yikes I have some work to do! I guess if I add some exercize and cut a few things I'm good, but Oh my.... Is anyone active here anymore?


  • kimnmiah
    kimnmiah Posts: 30
    I still pop in here from time to time. 1200 is crazy right? I set my calories to 1300 but lately I miss it buty 100 or so all the time and comtinue to slowly lose weight. I don't rely on mfp as much now that I have a better idea of how many calories things are and how many I should eat. Good luck. It's eye opening.
  • myspiral
    myspiral Posts: 10 Member
    I use the phone app to keep track of how much I am eating. Yes, it is hard at first to find the right amount, but you find foods that have fewer calories so you can eat more , or find more filling foods. (LOTS of vegetables. lots and lots of vegetables).

    Find salads that you like, or make new ones. Add protein and some rice/quinoa/grain and you have a filling meal. I have cut out a lot of creamy-type dressings and now make my own vinaigrette.

    Lots of days I don't complete my food diary because I know how many calories I have left by supper and just estimate from there.
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    Check Jen's posted titled:
    Hungry? Plateau? Just not losing? Here is help!!
  • leahmfunk
    leahmfunk Posts: 13 Member
    I pop in from time to time also. MFP has really opened my eyes to how many calories are in the foods that I eat. I never truely realized how much I had been eating in the past.
  • momo_j
    momo_j Posts: 6
    I'm getting better. Because of the plan my DH and I chose, I'm always over with fat and protein, but have been keeping mostly within calories.... Very eye opening! Thanks for all the support! Going to check out Jen's post now!
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Mo, don't do it!!!! Do not eat 1200 calories, even if you eat your exercise back. It will kill your metabolism and set you up for gaining it all back. Please read my thread and check out the eat more to weigh less board. I've been eating 1800-2000 a day for the past 2 months. I feel great, I have energy, I've lost inches like you would not believe and I'm down TWO pants sizes since increasing my calories BUT I've only lost 1.5lbs-and that is OK! If you read and are still confused, LMK and I'll help you out. It's a MUCH healthier and more permanent way to lose.

    You don't want to cut to 1200 and lose all of your lean body mass (which is what you will lose at those calories) and then eat normal again some day and gain it all back and then some. I've been there and done that plenty of times.

    I've recently bought a bodymedia fit arm band which calculates my calories burned in a day. I found that I'm burning a bit more than I thought and I'm slightly increasing my calories again. But the bottom line is that you do not need to drastically cut your calories like MFP suggests.
  • momo_j
    momo_j Posts: 6
    Thanks Jen. I upped my calories. I've been tracking and I'm eating about 14-1500 a day. I haven't had as much time to "work out" but I'm trying to stay active. Going to the gym today. Thanks for all the support all!
  • rau_jenn
    rau_jenn Posts: 10
    I just joined!!! More than willing to keep up the group!!!