Challenge Buddies?

PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
I tried positing this once, but I didn't go through. Sorry if this does post twice.

I thought I would propose another idea to the challenge group.... Would anyone be interested in challenge buddies? For instance, I would take anyone who is interested and match them with someone who has the similar goals. That way you could encourage each other to reach those goals. If anyone is interested, reply to this topic with a couple of facts about yourself, such as:

lbs. you want to lose during the challenge
Exercise/strength training routines
any other goals or facts that you would want to be used to be matched with someone similar

I will give everyone about a week to reply if they are interested and then have everyone matched up with a buddy by Saturday.


  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    ID be cool with that!

    want to lose 30 lbs at least during the challenge
    I use 3 different JM videos that are circuit trainging, I also am picking one challenge a week from the ones posted on this group, I am also hoping to start the C25K soon
    I am a mom of two young girls, and stay at home mostly. The honey works 12 hour rotating shifts so on the days that he works getting out of the house to excercise is hard

    Sounds like a fun idea :)
  • elabaran
    elabaran Posts: 11 Member
    Sound awesome

    want to lose 100 lbs total
    I just bought Zumba Rush for xbox OMG soooo fun and a great workout
    would love to find time to go to gym and do some weight training
  • beije24
    beije24 Posts: 23 Member
    Interval and circuit training. I have done crossfit in the past and will occasionally refer to the WOD. I have P90X, Brazil butt and turbo fire @ home if those will help in a challenge. I'm open to anything!! But I was lax for the past 2 1/2 months and just started back in the gym.
  • runcrissierun
    runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
    What a great idea! I'm 38 yrs old, and my total weight loss goal is 40 lbs. I'd like to lose 30 during this challenge.
    My primary workout methods are running and crossfit, though I occassionaly do hot yoga or swim also.
  • Nina9925
    Nina9925 Posts: 33
    23 lbs. or more
    Running, Pole Fitness, Biking
    I was sick so I had to take a few months off now I am back at it full swing!!!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    lbs. you want to lose during the challenge
    Exercise/strength training routines
    any other goals or facts that you would want to be used to be matched with someone similar

    Totally down for this!!

    I want to lose 20lbs
    I do cardio 3x a week, generally elliptical or a workout DVD, and I also lift 3x a week
    i'm in the military. my 2 mile time is currently 17:59, in 2min I can do about 40 push-ups or 63 sit-ups. and I can do about 2 pull-ups
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    lbs. you want to lose during the challenge
    Exercise/strength training routines
    any other goals or facts that you would want to be used to be matched with someone similar

    any amout of pounds LOL Would like to lose total of 35 pounds
    Started Ripped in 30 today, waiting for The Butt Bible to arrive, will start that when it gets here
    I eat a low carb diet, although I do not follow any set diet like Atkins
  • GeorgiaWin
    GeorgiaWin Posts: 23 Member
    I would love a buddy!
    3o pounds during our 90 day challenge (then another 20)
    Trying to eat healthy, share recipes and encouragement
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
    want to lose another 30lbs
    Walking/bike rides/staying at/below calories

    A buddie would be great!
  • ashleypage__
    I think this is a great idea! I'm looking forward to being matched up :)

    I want to lose about 20-25lbs during the challenge, which I feel is reasonable. Already 5lbs down!!
    Exercise/strength training routines
    I usually walk around the park with my dog for at least a mile. I also workout with the Xbox kinect, with the games The Biggest Loser & Just Dance 3. I want to incorporate more walking, and eventually some light strength training toward the end of the workout.
    My goal is to really just commit to tracking my food with the food diary, resist cravings & to eventually slowly reduce my calorie intake even more.
  • LiveforChange
    LiveforChange Posts: 123 Member
    -want to lose 20-30lbs
    -I take zumba classses 3 to 4x a week use 30 day shred workout dvd,strength i do it withmy zumba classes and the dvd
    Im a stay at home mom of 3 lil ones, my mini goal is to reach 170 than UG is 140
  • Betrbleave
    Betrbleave Posts: 37
    That's really cool.
    I want to lose 30 lbs
    I usually do the stair climber, elliptical and various other machines
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Need motivation to do at least some exericse every day (few squats, situps, maybe run)
    Trying to calorie count every day, reduce grains, and my work keeps me very busy...
  • slimdownwj
    slimdownwj Posts: 7 Member
    Not currently in a routine but would the motivation or push to develop a routine.
    For the past 6 years or so, I have not been very successful losing weight.
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    This sounds like a great idea.

    I want to lose my last 30 pounds during this challenge (lost 50 before this)
    I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme and Jillian Michaels DVDs (30 Day Shred and Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism are my favorites)
    My weight loss goal is only a general guideline. If I get to a certain weight and decide that I'm where I need to be, I reserve the right to change my goal :-) I am watching calories, but also other nutrients--carbs, protein, fiber--to keep them in healthy limits. I know 30 pounds is going to be difficult for me in 90 days since I'm at the end of my weight loss journey, but I am going to do it!
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 260 Member

    My desire is to lose the last 15 pounds or so give or take. I am a runner who runs several races a year. I am always training for my next race and and have been doing cross-fit the last two months. Next month I am thinking about doing Insanity or Turbo fire with running. My goal is to tighten and tone my mid section and get into the best shape of my life and keep fit 4 life.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Last chance for challenge buddies.

    In about 8 hours I am going to post everyone's buddies.

    If anyone decides they want to do it after I post, I will do a second round next week. :smile:
  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 52 Member
    I hope it isn't too late to get matched with a buddy....

    Shooting for 30 lbs this challenge
    Right now I mostly jog, 3-5 miles @ 4-5 days per week. I am going to start 30DS 2-3 days per week also.
    I try to work out at least 5 days a week but some days are hard and I need a little push to do it.
    If I can lose 30 lbs during this challenge it will put me under 200 and I want that really bad.

    I work full time and have three kids age 10, 12, I stay busy. If I didn't have a supportive husband I don't know that I would be able to focus on my health right now. Very grateful for him! He has been a wonderful encouragement for me.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    lbs. you want to lose during the challenge
    Exercise/strength training routines
    any other goals or facts that you would want to be used to be matched with someone similar

    i am super lazy and need all the motivation i can get. i like doing mountain climbers, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, step ups, leg presses, jumping jacks, stairs, i also have a stationary bicycle
    i want to look good in a bikini. i want to not always think about my fitness. i just want to be fit. i want to make healthy choices by default, i am tired of fighting with something that should have just been a basic need.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Are we being matched up this saturday?