Calling All 100 + Biggest Losers!!



  • duan990
    duan990 Posts: 1
    I have been on and off my diet since January. When ever i lose a couple of lbs i get excited and then eat my way back to the exact lbs that i lost. I need to loose 40lbs more imp. i need to look good in my clothes this summer. I am springing for a size 12 by July 2012. Starting this week i will weigh when i go to the gym today then i will weigh again on Friday if i loose any weight i promise i will stick it out until i have met my goal. Now that i have put it out there i think i will stick to my plan. Do i have any supporter/s out there cheering me on?????
  • yellowstonechic
    yellowstonechic Posts: 3 Member
    It has been a long time getting to this weight so I know that it will take awhile to take it off. I have finally gotten serious. Have to make life changes, no quick fixes! Looking forward to taking this journey with all of you.
  • usmc1987
    usmc1987 Posts: 1
    :smile: hi my is steve and I just join this group today. I been at this site for 2 1/2 weeks and lost 11 LBS so far .
    350 to 339 LBS .
  • Nikocan
    Nikocan Posts: 92
    Hi! I'm Niko and I weigh 235 pounds. I am so glad I found this group cause i know I will stay motivated..My idea weight is 150 that is a fair bit to loose.

    By June 9th, I hope I get to 227. Fingers crossed. I'm eating right and working out for 45 minutes everyday.
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi! My name is Maggie. I couldn't 't even bring myself to step on the scale today. Two weeks ago I was 275.5 and I know I didn't lose anything since then. My first goal is to be able to sit in a chair without worrying about it breaking!
  • jasondumont
    jasondumont Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Jason and I participated in the Biggest Loser for the Wii two years ago. I lost close to 100 pounds. I then had some stressful stuff go on in my life and put it back on plus 10. I just went to the doctor and both he and I were completely disgusted! I signed on to MyFitnessPal last week and I am not looking back. I am eating my calories and doing my exercise program. I am not going to be a slave to the scale though. I will weigh in once a week and increase my exercise when I see that I am holding steady. Please post anything to me if you need to as I am going to need some incouragement and am willing to give it too. All the best, Jason
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    My name is Emily. I signed up on here yesterday morning. At present I'm 241 pounds. I have lost weight in the past and I've gained it back. I could use some support, and I'm a good encourager in return. Eventually I would love to weigh 140, but right now I'm focusing on my small goal of getting to 200. Maybe it's not such a small goal. The times in the past that I've lost weight I get stuck in the 220's, hopefully this time it won't happen. I signed up because I just had lab tests that came back that I'm pre diabetic. It was the motivation I needed to get my butt in gear. Thanks in advance for your support!
  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Shelley. I hope to get to know all of you and hope we can be a support system to each other. I am 43 years old with three teenage kids. I have been separated almost a year now from my husband. He came home from a deployment and walked out. This Sunday would have been our 18th anniversary. It's been a rough year!! On the up side, I graduated from Nursing School last month. I retired from the military, so I used my GI Bill to start a second career. I am an emotional eater! I need to finally get control of my eating habits. I want to be around to see my kids graduate, go off to college, start families of their own. I need to lose about 130 lbs.

    Starting Wt 306
    Current Wt 273
    Goal Wt 140

    And I would love to be looking fit and healthy when I hand my husband divorce papers when he returns from deployment in Nov/Dec.
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Angela. I'm 37 and Mom to three. I've been overweight since the birth of my first child 18 years ago, but really packed it on after the birth of my third child 8 years ago. I joined this site on June 1st and this group shortly after. My beginning weight was 284.4. I am currently down to 280.4. Overeating has never been an issue for me. My problem is that I don't eat. I can go all day and not eat until dinner, at which point I'm starving. This cycle has led to major weight gain. My goal for June is to try and get down to 274. My ultimate goal is to get down to around 150, or where I feel and look healthy-a specific number doesn't really matter to me as long as it's below 180. My short term goal is to knock my husband's socks off when he gets home from deployment by losing 40-60 pounds while he is away.
  • trachnurse
    trachnurse Posts: 51
    Looks like I am first to weigh in today. I lost 5.9 pounds this week! Woohoo! Today I am 283. My goal for next week is 280. I hope everyone else keeps on, good luck!
  • MSP107
    MSP107 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Suzy. I currently weigh 230 I am 5'3" I am not new to the yo yo of weight loss. I am 43 mother of a teen daughter. I take medication for a number of health issues related t my weight. The biggest is diabetes. It is currently controlled but I do not want to be on meds for it anymore. Would love to see 199 pounds in my near future. Glad I found this group. I am following the BL food plan is anyone else? Would love feedback.
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member

    Starting fresh today.

    Seeking friends to inspire me.

    Anyone from Oklahoma City area? Definitely message me.
    CW 276
    Mini Goal 266
    GW 180 or less (I will see when I get there)
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats. That is awesome. Keep up the great work.