


  • Hi everyone,

    I am new to MFP today, but not new to nutrition or exercise. I'm a long term Steroid user for a medical condition and paritally as a result at the much heavier end of the scale than a lot of people here I guess.

    What I would love to tell everyone is, if you want to do a Zumba class, but not quite confident, just go for it, I am probably twice the size of most of the people in my class, it's the most fun exercise I do, I do 2 classes a week, plus other exercise and it just becomes such a bug! I also have Neurological problems which cause me slight balance problems but the high impact level helps me there.

    Enjoy :)

    Becs xx
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I love Zumba! If you haven't done so yet, I strongly recommend you find a jingly belly scarf and wear it during your classes. It really makes you feel sexy and you can hear how hard you're shaking it.

    I'd wear a tiara too, if I had one. In fact, I think I might go buy one just for Zumba class.
  • Zumba_Chloe
    Zumba_Chloe Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba has helped me lose 50lbs! I go to live classes 2 times a week, and also use the Zumba Rush w/ Kinect and the Exhilarate DVD's to work out at home.

    Currently working towards my Zumba license :)
  • ZumbaGypsy
    ZumbaGypsy Posts: 13 Member
    Nothing makes me happier than my Zumba classes. . .I try never to miss them! I am trying to get into the habit of doing a workout at home. I have my ipod set up with great zumba music for a 20 or 30 minute a.m. workout, but I just can't get into the swing of it :)
  • ZumbaGypsy
    ZumbaGypsy Posts: 13 Member
    I'm just reading this! Good for you - cute ! :smile:
  • HopeytheHopester
    HopeytheHopester Posts: 122 Member
    How are y'all with your zumba classes? I wanna go but I still haven't had the chance.
  • edjoyce13
    edjoyce13 Posts: 9
    Hi, I am starting Zumba tommorow to help me lose weight and get fit....looking forward to it!
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey guys!!

    I've been doing Zumba everyday at home. Cant afford to go to classes so I brought the 4 DVD set for £20. I do cardio party and sculpt and tone on alternate days and its by far the best exercise ive ever done! So much fun!! and because its at home i can go as crazy as I like! My weight has been fluctuating recently so I started back on the diet this week. At the moment im having a slim fast shake for breakfast (mainly because i never have time for breakfast) I have pitta with humous for a snack or maybe some strawberries or snack a jacks. Lunch i generally have pasta with salad or grilled chicken with salad and then for dinner i have salad potatoes and eggs/chicken/fish.
    So far this week i have lost 2lbs yay! So fingers crossed this keeps going! Sisters getting married soon so I wanna at least have lost 11lbs by July!

    Good luck to everyone else on here!!