Fluffy To Firms 1st Challenge for 6/7/12

WELCOME TO FLUFFY TO FIRM!!!! We hope you are as pumped as we are to make this journey to a new and healthy body.

Tomorrow , Thursday June 7, 2012 Will be our first challenge.



30 MIN WORKOUT! GET YOURSELF ACTIVE FOR AT LEAST 30 MIN A DAY! Doesnt matter if you can only do 3 smaller workouts of 10 minutes each. GET YOURSELF MOVING and KEEP YOUR HEART RATE UP!!

EVENTUALLY 30 Minutes will feel like nothing to you and you will be able to do more and feel great! BUT OUR FIRST CHALLENGE IS 30 MINUTES! Our challenges will get harder as time goes on. If you are up to the challenge! LETS GO!


  • tazkam03
    tazkam03 Posts: 16
    I am very much ready for this challenge and look forward to everyday's new motivation.. Time for a new me!!
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking forward to this. I like the idea of daily challenges. Even better is starting with 30 minutes!
    Good luck to all of us. I'm pumped!! Whoo Hoo... :tongue:
  • sonya530
    sonya530 Posts: 1
    I am ready to start this thing! I lost 30 lbs in the first part of 2008. After finding out I have CML I quit watching what I ate and quit exercising. I gained 20 of it back. I gotta get rid of this stuff so I can feel good again! I need motivation, so Thanks! This group is exactly what I need.:smile:
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 175 Member
    I just really liked the group name, the daily challenges are a bonus.
  • YAY! We are pumped as well! Glad you all are ready for this!
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    When will be a good time to report in on our challenge status and to see what the next one is? It's really hot where I live
    so I'm going to try and do my exercise in the morning when it's still cool. Nobody will believe me that I'm getting up at 5:00 a.m.
    to do this challenge. I am not a morning person. But, like I posted...I'm pumped and ready to do this.
  • Post your progress when ever you complete it.
    And then we will try to post the new challenge the night before!

    Good luck to everyone! We are on our way to making our goal for the day! So wish us luck, and hope that billy blanks kicks our butts into gear!
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
    Count me in!! I did 30 minutes on the Wii tonight - Step
  • Good job!!
    We just did 30 mins of billy blanks tonight, tomorrow we will be doing another 30 mins, and hopefully we will be a little more coordinated, which makes for half the work. lol. We look forward to hearing everyone's progress tomorrow! ^_^
  • About to get my zumba on
  • WOOOO!!! I feel amaaaaaazing after that workout tonight...cant wait to do the 30 minute challenge tomorrow!
  • Tropicalgirl3
    Tropicalgirl3 Posts: 37 Member
    Count me in....love the idea of a daily challenge. Tomorrow I plan on a 45 minute cardio dance class!! Thanks for putting together this group!! So excited.
  • Redflava52
    Redflava52 Posts: 3 Member
    I think this is what I need to jumpstart my plateau!!
  • Sounds like an obtainable goal!
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to start. I'm the queen of excuses so after posting my message, I got my shoes on and did a 30 minute walk. Downhill was easy, uphill had me huffing. As James Brown sang, " I feel good"!! I set my alarm for 4:55 to do my 30 minutes in the morning. Thanks for this challange. This is what I've been looking for to get me going.
  • Ahanaz
    Ahanaz Posts: 353 Member
    I am in! Sounds really fun =) I hope I can keep it up though with finals coming up and everything! :)

    Thanks for taking the initiative.
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    In need of the support and the Challenge..
  • LJSlocum
    LJSlocum Posts: 11 Member
    I worked out 30 minutes at the gym. I am going to really like the challenges. I need the extra push to get going right now.
  • What a fantastic idea! I did a 40 minute at home exercise :]