Mind Blowing Future Game Technology - WOW

hardkitty Posts: 25 Member
Want to know the future of games?
Well here it is... there really isn't much else I can say. other than you neeed to watch this video...


you'll be amazed. I just can't believe how amazing this game looks - EPIC WIN!



  • Hawkian
    Hawkian Posts: 87 Member
    Stole the show at E3. Didn't know you were a gamer, kitty.
  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    that was all kinds of awesomeness, thx for the link
  • Philokiller
    I was blown away at the Ubisoft conference and then they ended with this. AMAZING
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    It LOOKS great and has a fab concept but I got an irking feeling that if this comes out in this generation it won't live up to the potential shown in the gameplay trailer/.
  • hardkitty
    hardkitty Posts: 25 Member
    how amazing does that clothing simulation look! *NERDGASM!*

    @ Hawkin, I'm a games developer - I'm currently working on some PS3 and Xbox titles ;) (ps, I cant tell you what otherwise I'd have to kill you hahah) ...

    @yesiamaduck - yeah I know what you mean... although PS4 and the new Xbox as well as some huge updates coming our way for the PC from the new Nvidia card architecture... I think the next gen is creeping up on us quicker than expected. Ttech is moving so fast these days I can hardly keep up! :)

    BTW you need to see this video too (its a bit shorter than the last) ---> the new soft body dynamics in the Cry3 Engine HUBBA HUBBA!



    (ps. if any gamers want to add me - feel free (just leave a message though))
  • Hawkian
    Hawkian Posts: 87 Member
    You shut up. You just shut up right now.

    You can't tell me what developer either, I suppose? O.o

    But yeah. All the subtle physics effects in Watch_dogs are ridiculous. The clothing, debris blowing in the streets, the car deformation (cryengine3 beats it obviously :P) and windows breaking... it's just nuts.
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
    To me this is more mind blowing. Square-Enix new graphics engine.

  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    My PC can handle that w/o breaking a sweat. Its not next gen its this gen for PC gamers.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    My PC can handle that w/o breaking a sweat. Its not next gen its this gen for PC gamers.

    I consider 'This gen' to be the 'standard'

    The standard would be the consoles, PCs never really have generations per say... they just sort of steadily increase in power threw out the years. But I know what you mean, i see the new generation coming and visual on PC are only just starting to be pushed again & I am excited :)