Ever get an eyeroll...

blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
...when people find out that you lift weights?

Sometimes I wish I was a guy because it seems so much more socially acceptable to lift weights as a male than a female. I'm so sick and tired of explaining that I won't bulk up or lose my femininity or whatever. Grrr...

Anyone else experience negativity due to being a lifter?


  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Actually yes, I go to a gym that is very focused on circuit and group style workouts. When I said I was going to take a break from that and hit the weights I got a few eye rolls... even now (almost three months into the stronglifts program) I still get some funny looks while I'm hovering around the squat rack and they're all on the floor doing their crunches :laugh:
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I get an eyeroll just for suggesting anything exercise related.
  • djf23
    djf23 Posts: 58 Member
    i give eyerolls to the douche bags that use the squat rack for bloody bicep curls...or like yesterday this dude put the bar at the bottom to use as a pull up bar...

    gym i go to most people dont care if you man or women doing weights...unless you annoy people then they get beaten with giant barbells
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I get like the meat head reaction from people who I talk to about lifting etc. "are you trying to get massive"... No I'm just trying look awesome as f&$k naked lol.
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    The guy that lives next door to me was astounded when I mentioned to him that I'd bought a kettlebell. He asked, "you know what THAT is?"

    What. An. Idiot.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym

    planet fitness?
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym

    planet fitness?
    no .just a local gym sorry leisure center as he called it
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym

    planet fitness?
    no .just a local gym sorry leisure center as he called it

    were they bumper plates?
    dropping 250 lbs from waist level is kind of a douche move if they're not the right kind of plates and you're not on a platform.
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym

    planet fitness?
    no .just a local gym sorry leisure center as he called it

    were they bumper plates?
    dropping 250 lbs from waist level is kind of a douche move if they're not the right kind of plates and you're not on a platform.
    cast iron plates ,rubber mats and when i say dropped it as i was doing sets it was the only one i let down fast ,i was still holding it .
    the gym was looking for a different style of client .lifters were not welcome
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    the best reaction i got was when i loaded a bar for deadlifts . i had around 250 on it lifted it for set of 5 droped it on last rep as you do .a few people stoped and looked at me ,as i placed more weight on bar the manager came up to me and told me i could not do that here .his words "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GYM" .my reply can not be printed here because i cant spell all the curse words i used ..
    first and last day in that non gym

    planet fitness?
    no .just a local gym sorry leisure center as he called it

    were they bumper plates?
    dropping 250 lbs from waist level is kind of a douche move if they're not the right kind of plates and you're not on a platform.
    cast iron plates ,rubber mats and when i say dropped it as i was doing sets it was the only one i let down fast ,i was still holding it .
    the gym was looking for a different style of client .lifters were not welcome

    sounds like that gym in the States that kicks you out for grunting or whatever. i guess it's their gym and they can tailor it to the clients they want, but they're really limiting themselves by being 'that type of gym'
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    and that was only 250...imagine me in there with 450, lol. i reckon the POLice would be called ,haha
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I once got asked to not slam the barbell on the ground when i deadlift. The guy who asked me clearly doesn't lift very heavy