Fluffy To Firms 1st Challenge for 6/7/12



  • dacosta180
    dacosta180 Posts: 1 Member
    I also belong to the gym... but have not been there in a while.... Yea! this will give me some motivation..
    I AM READY..................LET'S GO :-)
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    So love the name! Just had another birthday at beginning of the week, and don't want to get another year older and bigger! I've come back to mfp as a great place for motivation and support....bring it on and good luck everyone!
  • We're so excited to see everyone motivated! I'm off to work for a 9 hr shift on my feet, but I will be home and the bustin my but to get my 30 minutes in! LETS GET IT!...dont wait till tomorrow to work it out.....save tomorrow for results :)
  • Woo! It's so nice to wake up in the morning and see that we now have 55 members! Yes! And as my sister said, we are so glad to see everyone motivated! LETS DO THIS!! **happy dance**
  • Almiten
    Almiten Posts: 14
    I'm in... want to lose 50 in total but 20 in the next 3 months. Ive been doing cardio 45 mins a day with strength training for an additional 20-25 minutes.
  • Get it!! ^_^
  • leeneme
    leeneme Posts: 4 Member
    Looks like I joined just in time. This motivation is greatly appreciated and needed. I have hit annother plataeu and I am started to head in the back in the wrong direction.
    Thank you.
  • @Leeneme - Don't worry darlin, just keep at it! I know you can do this.It may not be easy to get over that mental and physical block, but try to push yourself. Plateaus will happen to just about everyone, try switching it up a bit. Keep your body guessing. Possibly try watching some inspirational videos on youtube, that usually helps with me on occasion. Just an idea. ^_^

    Good luck with todays challenge everyone! Hope to hear everyones success tonight on it as well!! ^_^

    We will be posting tomorrows challenge later tonight!

  • Stephanay
    Stephanay Posts: 3
    GET IT.
  • sch7355
    sch7355 Posts: 55
    Very excited for today's challenge! I'm really bad at sticking to the same thing day after day because I tend to get bored of it regardless of results. I think these daily challenges will be perfect for me to change things up each day!! Good luck everyone :)
  • slj141986
    slj141986 Posts: 1
    Definitely ready! I am ready to do this! :)
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! I'm psyched for the challenges - anything to make this journey more interesting...

    Today's 30 minutes will get folded into my weekly softball game. This weekend should be easy to get 30 minutes in each day, as I'm going on a trip with family and will be walking all day starting tomorrow through Sunday.

    Just not sure how I'm going to squeeze 30 minutes in on a daily basis once I get back into my "real life". I work full time and have a 3 year old daughter who clings to me as soon as I get home every day. Honestly, that's the best part of my day, so I don't want to give up the time we have together.

    Maybe I'll try walking for 30 minutes as soon as I get home. I can tell the little one that if she wants to hang out with Mommy, she can hop in her stroller and we can tour the neighborhood together. Wonder if I could pull that off...
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    I've been doing 30 Day Shred since June 1. Today is day 7 and I will be completing it tonight before bed. Since it is only a 20 min program, I will add some calisthenics at the end.
  • Hi, I am glad I came across this group and challenge. I struggle with sticking to any one thing for an extended period, so I hope this will help me to build a new habit. 30 minutes everyday... Yesterday I did the video... Start walking at home 3 miles with Leslie Sansone and today I did the 2 mile walk which was 30 minutes. If anyone is interested in doing the video, its on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBgB_cqDiXs&feature=BFa&list=PLFC10D62CB1871C8F.

    I feel great after exercising and I am motivated to eating healthy the rest of the so that I don't cancel the gains of my hard work. I want to lose between 24 and 30 pounds over the next 3 months, so my aim is to lose a minimum of 2lbs per week. I think I have to work harder, but we will see how I do with 30 minutes a day. I think I will monitor between the rest of this week and complete next week and decide if I need to add more to the workout.

    Thanks again and good luck to all!!
  • egweena
    egweena Posts: 19
    Hey!!! I hope we are accomplishing the challenge today. I am ready for the next 1. :happy:
  • I have been looking for something to get me back on track. Daily is just what I need. Looking at the big picture has been keeping me on the sidelines. Maybe if I only look at one day at a time I can achieve something worth being proud of.:flowerforyou:
  • melanie781
    melanie781 Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome!! going for a walk tonight :-)
  • mrstmp
    mrstmp Posts: 7
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for starting this chanllenge!!!! I only joined MFP on Tuesday and I'm doing great with logging my food, but today I was just looking around the sight when I came across this fantastic motivator!!! I did my 30 minute challenge by doing Wii Gold's Gym Dance Workout in two 15 sessions. The second workout really had sweat running down my face and back at the end. Loved it!!! :love:

    Again, Thank you!! And everyone keep up the great work!!

    ~Mrs. TMP
  • melanie781
    melanie781 Posts: 6 Member
    a walk with your Daughter is a fantastic idea, I enjoy including my boys in my walk it is great bonding time and they keep me entertained with the things they say during the walk, I even get some running in as they thnk it is fun to be pushed fast lol
  • mdallas6
    mdallas6 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey all! Love the name of the group! Thought I'd join! I am new to group discussions on MFP but not new to MFP or dieting....got a long way to go but at least I'm not where I was a few months ago! I am down for the challenge! Going to dance with my twins right now for 30 mins!