When did you begin to see the "new you"?

actg95 Posts: 85 Member
Good afternoon! Everyone keeps telling me how great I am looking, and I am thankful for the feedback. My problem is, I had so much to loose when I started that I am still not "seeing" what people are seeing when they look at me. I am down 94 pounds, but have that much or more to go...did anyone else have this problem? If so, what advice can you give me.

Thank you all!


  • yadayadayada77
    The most helpful thing to me was not people saying that, but how my clothes felt on me. I have yo-yo dieted so much in the past 20 years, that I have every size in my closet from a 16 to a 2, so it has been a confidence booster to me to move from size to size. I have had a couple of people who didn't know I had the surgery comment on my loss, but I havent lost nearly as much as you have! I have always found it helpful to keep one of those horrible "old me" pictures near me (like always in my purse) and when I get discouraged, tempted or just want to see why I am putting myself through all the turmoil, I take a quick look at it and smile knowing I will never look like THAT again!!!
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you Yada! I have a lot more to lose than probably most people, but am proud of what I have started. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is a journey and journeys do not end in a day or two, but go on. I will continue to work at this, and post for you all to help me stay on track -- and hopefully I can do the same for you! :)
  • Obreezes
    Obreezes Posts: 35
    I had a before picture and took an after picture after losing 50 lbs. I really had to take a long look at it several times before I realized I had lost alot of inches! It was a great feeling :)
  • BebeKate
    BebeKate Posts: 2 Member
    My office pals tell me all the time how much smaller I look. I do not see what they see since I have so much more to lose. They keep telling me that I wear my clothes too baggy and to buy some smaller clothes. I have several times. I always try to dress nice and have lost a significant amount of weight. I was never one to wear my clothes tight. I have cleaned out my closet several times. Never again will I go back to those sizes!!! I have always hated being photographed, but my husband & I went on a cruise a few months ago and it was nice seeing myself in photos with him.
  • grisaille12
    Well, I did finally go through my closet and get rid of all the 4x and 5X clothes. I am actually wearing 2X's but can't quite bring myself to give up my 3X's as most of my tops are in that size and they are only slightly baggy (well, my husband and friends prefer me in the 2X's but I am not going to do laundry that often :laugh: ) I can't afford to buy a ton of 2X's only to go on down to XL's.

    I can't remember if I posted this story here but I was in a restaurant with my husband and were being seated. Now I had on a rather unusual denim dress that I had just gotten into and I looked up and thought "oh look, there is someone with a dress just like mine" only to realize I was walking toward a full wall mirror and didn't recognize myself at all. :blushing: But then I do weigh some 80 pounds less so I KNOW I should look different but still . . . .
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you all! It is nice to know I am not the only one trying to "find myself" and the changes I have. I mean, I know I have to look different being down 94 pounds, but my mind is still playing tricks on me.

    I was proud of myself the other day....I looked at my work badge pic from 4 1/2 years ago...wow, my face has changed! I never saw it in the mirror, but really caught it comparing the two.

    You all have GREAT day!
  • donsdee
    donsdee Posts: 8
    94 lbs wow that is awesome!! i have lost 58 lbs since my first MD visit and I weigh less than I have in over 20 years!!!! i am proud of the accomplishment and others recognizing it........but i hate it when they ask so how much have you lost now? I don't want people to know that i have lost a significant amount and still fat!!! ( like they couldn't figure that out for themselves.

    I guess I see the new me in my attitude and my relationship with food. I look at life differently. I feel like i look the same - just a little better. I am excited about seeing the new me at weights I haven't seen in decades!!!
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    The 94 counts the first 48 that I lost working with the nutritionist before surgery. Not that I am not happy for it being gone, but I didn't want anyone thinking I lost the entire 94 since my surgery in March. I do feel like this is going slower than I want, but hey, I have never been real patient with myself and am trying to learn. Oddly, I am generally patient with others...just not me. :-)

    I am working this mean 'ole mental game, you know. I see how fantastic some others have done and think...Am I doing something wrong? If so, what? How do I convince this body to allow the weight to just go. I am trying to remember I am down 94 pounds since August, but that evil one butts in and reminds me how far I still have to go. I am working on it...working on allowing my self to be human and not have the expectations I could have if I were more able bodied (hip needs replaced at the end of the year...bone on bone for years now, but needed to lose weight first.).

    Anyway, that may be TMI, but maybe it makes better sense.
    Have a fantastic day / week!
  • ky_girl_34
    Wow! 94 pounds is amazing, you have to feel so much better! I understand not being able to tell because my body will be the same way. I've lost weight before and had to drop around 50 pounds before people could even tell, and myself. I even stayed in the same size clothes! But still, 94 pounds, that's a wonderful amount of weight to take off no matter how much more you have to go! Hang in there, just think how much harder it would have been, and how much longer it would have taken if you had not had surgery, so keep the faith!
  • donsdee
    donsdee Posts: 8
    94 lbs is 94 lbs before, after, or a combination!!! That is awesome, I know what you mean with the mental game. I have not been losing as much as i'd like. seeing others especially the men drop the weight so quickly is frustrating. I do start thinking that like what am i doing wrong. I try to remember that this negative thinking is the devil trying to sabotage my progress. I have been trying to stay positive and get to a point where being healthy is more important than the weight loss. I am a work in progress and looking forward to the process Keep up the great work............We got this!!!!!
  • Stormy111
    Stormy111 Posts: 2 Member
    Its funny you should post this. Because I like you, dont see the big difference as everyone else see's. I am12 weeks post op, down 53lbs. I actually bought a pair of capris this weekend that were a size 12. I still see the same "fat" that I seen before even tho Im down from a size 18/20. Weird! The ony time I see a little difference is by looking at some comparisons of before and after pics. When I look in the mirror I see the same "fat" girl I always saw my whole life. Im sure its a mental thing, gotta try to learn to love what we see in the mirror. I still have 38lbs to go. I hope when I reach goal that I can see my success. And I hope you do to!

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