Team 6

vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
Hello team 6 - We're going to rock this challenge! I just wanted to start a thread for us to post each other.

Today I plan to run intervals then 3.5 miles. I may take a yoga, zumba or pilates class tonight; it depends on whether my son has baseball practice.

Tomorrow is a lifting day for me, maybe yoga too depending on time.

What are your plans???? Vicki


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jane, and I think I'm in this team. :-)

    What day are we 'starting' from?

    I've just done a 20 mile cycle. I ran 13.2 miles yesterday. Tomorrow, if the weather is suitable, I'll commute to work on my bike (first time I'm trying this, but it will be 16 miles each way, if it's not raining in the morning!)

    I need to have a read through the challenge info properly, but do we need some kind of coordinator / captain? And a spreadsheet?

    Sorry, I'll catch up on the details but if anyone has easy answers, that would be cool. :-)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've added in for today and yesterday. Woohoo, we're already shooting up the rankings. :-)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Right I think I'm up to date!

    Just wondering what everyone does, in fitness terms? I'm primarily a runner, but I also cycle quite a bit, and I swim. I also lift heavy a few times a week. These are my main things.

    I do occasionally do a bit of body combat, cardio boxing, and trampolining.

    It might be a good idea to get down everything we do, so we can work out where relay possibilities might be?

    I don't do yoga / pilates, but I'd be open to doing a class some time, or doing it using my kinect, if it would help us as a team.

    I'm training for a few half marathons, so obviously the bulk of my attention needs to be on my training schedule. But I do like to mix things up.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Jane - Thanks for the update!

    Typically I lift 3x a week, run 2, 3 or 5 miles (5 miler is usually friday since I have running partners available). I will up my runs to 3.1 and 6.2 to match the events list and maximize points. I do yoga, zumba & pilates (all gymnastics?). I dont normally bike or swim but would be willing to try if we can coordinate a relay. Other events I have access to trying are basketball, table tennis, tennis.

    I will be traveling June 13 - 20 but still plan to workout each day either running or lifting. Looks like I'm going to have to work hard to keep up with my awesome teammates!

  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    Hey guys. Team 6 rules. I am a walker. I swim, I dive on occasion. I do cycle. I'll have to explore more soon. Like shooting baskets and playing tennis.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Anyone else up for Basketball today? I'm off work for the day and its not too hot! I play 1:1 with my 14 year old son. He spots me 10 points and then beats me 11 - 10 every time. I think it's because he's so much taller than me :). We'll have top go 2 rounds to ht the 30 minutes. I will play him every time he asks because I know those days wont last much longer but at least now I'm in shape enough to hang with him. If 3 of us play today we will score extra points! Almost forgot, will be liftingweights this morning once my breakfast settles.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Unfortunately the team type sports are pretty much out for me - I live in the middle of nowhere. (And being English, we don't tend to have baskets in our houses, sadly.... :-) )

    I cycled near on 30 miles today, so will add that to the site in a minute. And I'll go lift tonight.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I suspect our best bet for relays are for the running events.

    I do a 3m, a 4m, 2x 6 mile, and a long run each week at the minute. So we should hit the 3 and the 2x6. I normally run intervals on the 3 mile, but could swap that to the 4, so I can hit the two sprint distances on that?

    I did 60 minutes lifting tonight, so if we all manage some resistance training this week, we should get a relay there.

    Having had a good look at the activities, I have a reasonable sense of what I can do. Just to get a sense of where we might be able to get the relays, it would be handy perhaps if we could all list our possibles, and we could work it out from there?

    Boxing (I can do cardio on the kinect, or can go to body combat class)
    canoeing (indoor rowing machine at gym)
    All three cycling events
    Gymnastics (kinect based yoga at home, or I can get to bodybalance)
    swimming - all three distances

    How does that fit with what everyone else can do?
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Good idea Meerkat! Does anyone know how the relays work? Do we have to do them on the same day or in the same week or just all do the same activity?

    Here's what I can do without too much planning: Archery, Athletics (all distances), Basketball, Boxing, Gymnastics, Ping pong, weightlifting.

    For relay points I could try some different things but might need to figure out how/when/where: Canoe/rowing, cycling (probably just the 3.1 but might try 6.2), hockey, tennis.

    Looks like a lot of activity today!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    We just have to have done them *at all*

    Today's been a bit pants for me, exercise wise. I pulled an all night last night, had to go to London on business today, and am working for at least the next few hours tonight. So apart from walking round London (a lot!) between meetings, I haven't done much. But I've logged that.

    Vic, it looks like we have a fair few things in common, exercise wise, so if the others do too, we're on our way

    I think we need to round up our other 2 members and get them to come have a chat with us on this here thread. :-)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Help! Tim has messaged me that he cant get on this thread, it states something about members only. I just posted this topic and you joined in so I'm not sure how that happens or what to do. Any ideas? I bet April is having the same issue.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I think maybe h's not a challenge member? Needs to add himself to the group.
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    Vicmonster - is this the thread to which you refer? Here I am. Yay.
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    Basketball was fun today. I'll do that again. (just shootin baskets) You guys are superstars. I'll do what I can to add to the team.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Basketball was fun today. I'll do that again. (just shootin baskets) You guys are superstars. I'll do what I can to add to the team.

    Basketball is fun! I need to play with my son this weekend to get on the board. Thanks for posting!!!
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    Good Morning or evening etc.

    My names Tim.

    Meerkat and I know each and are good friends on MFP already.

    I run a bit and will add as much as I can. I dont do much cross training etc just run so I'm not sure I'll get the monumental scores some people are already getting on here but every little helps.

    I'm about to start training for my next race, I start Monday 11th June so I'll be logging at leasy a 10K five days a week (maybe more on a weekend)

    Thanks for sorting the access to the forum out, I'm a little slow with these things.

    I'll do my best and might need to borrow a canoe / kayak as its been raning in Yorkshire where I live in the UK for about tem years (feels like it anyway)

    Take care good luck lets do this thing.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Work has been just horrible the last three days, so my time to workout has been a bit limited. I'll fix that over the weekend! :-)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Work has been just horrible the last three days, so my time to workout has been a bit limited. I'll fix that over the weekend! :-)

    You've done great this week!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Am I right in thinking we all run? And we all do 10k / 6 mile runs at various points? Looking at the team relay points, that looks to me to be our best chance for a relay... ?

    Do we all do intervals, for some training? In which case we could probably get a relay there at some point.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    We just hit the number 1 slot again! Just a teensy margin between us and the number 2's though.

    Do we need a team name, or are we happy to be a cypher?

    Just did half an hour of cardio boxing and hit the decathlete level - an extra thousand points!