Chit chat

captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
Wanna get to know your fellow group members? Share NSV's? Tell a corny joke? Do it here!

I'll start off -- Hello everyone! I'm Linda :). I'm 25 and live about half an hour north of San Francisco. During the school semester I work four days a week, go to school two, and have one day of rest. I'm really glad it's summer so I don't have such a hectic schedule and I can really focus on my fitness goals.


  • cam_l20
    cam_l20 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, I'm Cam. I'm 27 and I live in Alnwick (north east England, about 30 miles south of Scotland). I am currently training for my first half marathon (eek!). I used to run cross country when I was younger, but picked up an injury in my teens and was forced to stop. Unfortunately I struggled to reduce the high calorie diet that I was so used to and managed to put on about 100lbs... so now I need to undo years of stuffing my face. A combination of using MFP to track what I eat and training 3-4 times per week seems to be working wonders so far, but I still have a long way to go... The last group was great for motivation (thanks, Linda!), so I reckon this one will really help too :happy:
  • amandacw3
    amandacw3 Posts: 7
    Hey All!! My name is Amanda, I'm 24 and I live in Portland, Oregon. I have a little motivation at home but I was hoping to find a few more people with some similar goals :) I am training for my first 5k which is next weekend!!!
  • lindar11201
    lindar11201 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All! My name is Linda R. I'm 48 years old and I live in Antioch, California, which is about 45 minutes away from San Francisco. Looks like the opposite direction from our captain. :happy:

    I have always been slightly overweight, but really gained during my pregnancy. I have about 35 lbs left to lose and am looking forward to MFP and this team for motivation. I actually joined MFP yesterday and joined this group as soon as I saw it. I love challenges!
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    Hello all! My name is Amy. I am 27 from Northwest Ohio. I am currently 136-137lbs and doing the insanity workouts (its also a challenge but its an AMAZING workout). Feel free to add me, we can never have too many friends to motivate each other.

    I love being part of challenges and being pushed to do things I normally wouldn't. I hope this group can help my push past this high 130s mark (can't seem to go much lower) and into at least the 120s (My goal is 115-120lbs). At my highest weight, I was over 180 (dont know exact I stayed away from scales) and the more I lose and tone up and keep pushing myself the better my self-esteem is getting. I know I can do most anything I set my mind to and I am ready for whatever challenges are ahead!
  • Hello!
    My name is Ashley, I am 20 years old and am from Colorado. My weight is at 141 and I've seemed to plateu! I just started P90X on Monday and its already kicking my butt! I hope to lose another 5-10 pounds, and I definitely need motivation! If anyone wants to friend me, that would be wonderful--I need both support and motivation with my eating as well as my workouts, and of course I'd love to help motivate and support others!
    I work full time and go to night school 4 days a week so its difficult to focus on myself, and fast food and junk food always seem to jump out at me since I am always short on time! HELP lol.
    I'm glad to be a part of this group!
  • lindar11201
    lindar11201 Posts: 14 Member
    How is everyone doing on the challenges for this week?

    I'm drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, and I've managed to do 5 miles on the elliptical so far. 5 more to go!
  • cam_l20
    cam_l20 Posts: 95 Member
    I have to admit, I'm struggling a bit with the water. I drank quite a lot at work today, but was then peeing constantly - not good when you're busy working to tight deadlines!!

    As for the mileage, I've decided not to count walking to and from work, as it would be too easy, but I ran 3 miles yesterday, am planning on doing 2 tomorrow and then I have a 5.9 mile race on Saturday (my first race in years!), so as long as I finish the race, I shouldn't have a problem with the 10 miles :happy:
  • dancedanceatl
    dancedanceatl Posts: 7 Member
    Courtney. 30 years old in Atlanta,GA. So far this week I did about 3.5 miles on the elliptical Monday, ran/walked 4 miles yesterday and am doing 5 jog/walking miles on Saturday so I should be squared away.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Morgan. 27 years old in Chicago, IL. So fart this week I have done 45 miles over the course of 3 spin classes. I know cycling is a lot easier, in terms of mileage count, but I think I met the challenge this week!
  • lindar11201
    lindar11201 Posts: 14 Member
    Great job, Morgan! :happy:
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Andrea and I'm 28 and live outside San Francisco in the sunny and beautiful Orinda hills. My best friend asked me to join Myfittnesspal and so far, I like it a lot. I'm really outdoorsy and love hiking, backpacking, running, whitewater rafting, yoga, and dancing. I would love to loose the weight I gained while serving in the Peace Corps and in grad school (20+ pounds).
  • anjiebSLP
    anjiebSLP Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Anjie from the SF Bay Area, San Leandro more specifically. I work full-time as an Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathologist, and as a full-time mommy to my three beautiful kiddos (9yrs, 5yrs, and 2yrs). Needless to say I have a very busy life, with little time for working out. Recently I have put on a bit of extra weight and I am determined to drop it! I simply refuse to buy a new wardrobe (I am barely squeezing into my clothes now). I look forward to challenging myself. I have had great success with MFP in the I KNOW it can be done!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi folks, I'm Sherri. I live in Wisconsin and married to the most wonderful man in the world. I've been recovering from surgery the last couple weeks so I havent been able to do much in the way of exercise except walking.

    Today the doc gave me release to start working out again with a 30lb weight restriction, but all exercises are open to me again! Yay!

    I'm a co-moderator for this challenge group, so if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

    Water is always a challenge for me, I tend to slack on that often and having challenges like this get me to focus more on it, although sometimes it is short-lived.

    The fiber challenge for Week 2 is a very good one. We need a LOT more than we take in per day in order for our bodies to function properly. It keeps us regular and helps us to lose weight as well. Water and fiber together are two of the most important things your body needs in this weight loss journey. Do your body right and get as much of both of them as possible!
  • Teshablue82
    Teshablue82 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello all! I am Teresa. I live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am married, have 4 boys, 3 are 11 and my youngest is 8. I have a full time job and 2 of my kids are currently in sports, baseball. Which is one of the most busy sports I've ever had to encounter. I love playing it with them! They have so much fun and I do too! Plus I get to burn calories while I'm at it and work on a good sun burn! j/k!

    My newest NSV's: I have lost 15 inches so far! Couldn't believe my eyes! Also I am not fitting into my work clothes I had to buy bigger last year because they weren't fitting anymore. Now they are baggy and I can't wear them without a belt! I am not so much regretting getting rid of all my skinny clothes from a few years ago, because now I can just buy new clothes!

    Biggest NSV of all: I have energy to play with my kids!!! I love the outdoors and when I gained weight I got lazy and didn't want to do much physical activity. Now I jump at the opportunity! More time being active with them helps strengthen the bond and they love it too!