Oh dear

AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
Going to family race day at the horses tomorrow with the kids. Just been to Tesco to buy some 'picnic' food. We now have crusty cobs/Mccoys crisps/jam tarts/caramel shortcake & chocolate rocky road!!! Oh dear, I'm not looking forward to filling in my food diary tomorrow or can I resist?? Would you have some but still restrict yourself or just go for it as you know you will be over your cals anyway?? Advice much appreciated please :noway:


  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    I tend to log everything -the good, the bad and the ugly! I do have the occasional 'splurge' day but if I know I'm going out for a meal or whatever I generally try to work out the calories of what I want to eat beforehand and still attempt to work it into my allowance by having a very low calorie breakfast, for example. It might help you to work out your maintenance total (TDEE), here's a link to one site: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ That way, if you go over, you can still have a shot at coming in under maintenance - that helps to remind me that I haven't had a completely wrecked day! Have fun at the races! x
  • sloojgud
    sloojgud Posts: 15 Member
    I find it useful t simetimes i crease my allowance by say 400 calories and then to plan what I am going to eat and put It in my diary in advance. That means I can have enjoy a special meal or day and feel that I am still in control of what I eat so don't feel I have failed.

    Then in the week after I work to get my average down.

    Enjoy the day, and I hope you get good weather.
