Laying it all out...

chrissyinuk Posts: 2 Member
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the Groups, and loved the idea of this one when I saw it. I want to be fit and healthy and able to do all that God has for me to do in my life.
When I try to lose weight I get so down and depressed, lose motivation really fast, and binge eat. I'm new to the UK, from Australia, and am missing home, but have always been overweight.
I'm 26, 5'6 and 114.5 kg (252.5 lb), size 20-22.
If anyone has any good ideas for meals for one, or ways to make exercise fun (with out the use of any equipment, as I don't have any here) I would love to hear from you.
Please drop me a line to say hello anyway! :smile:


  • megthompson920
    megthompson920 Posts: 2 Member
    One of my favorite ways to lose weight is TAE BO!! It is an amazing workout, you burn a ton of calories, it's fun and very effective, and you can get the dvds for super cheap on ebay. When I lost my first 52 lbs, I used that almost exclusively for my work outs. I also like zumba, and find fitness videos on youtube for specific parts of the body that I want to target.

    For meals I guess I don't have too many ideas. I just eat a whole foods kind of diet, with lots of veggies and meats and complex carbs. I don't eat any simple carbs so I had to wave goodbye to all my favorites, white flour, white bread, sugar, white potatoes... and replaced those with brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, and oatmeal. I just tried to change my outlook on food to it being the right fuel for my body.. I can make them taste good still though :)

    I was following a plan called Prism that is just amazing for losing weight. it's a completely faith based program. It has a journal and dvds and it's in four phases that are 6 weeks long each. It outlines the foods you can and can't eat, and focuses on God through the whole thing, and why we need to make our bodies healthy for him, and also gets the root of our weight problems, and what has caused them such as emotional eating etc. I would definitely encourage anyone to try that program. It is hard for the first week, but I lost so much weight on it.. my first 6 weeks I had lost 22 lbs!
  • wed30
    wed30 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello to you!
  • jdenson69
    jdenson69 Posts: 10
    Welcome to the group. I am new as well. Although you don't have any equipment you can always go walking or jogging in the park or near the lake which is a nice view. Since you have access to the internet there are many workouts on You tube you can watch and go along with, and different apps you can download to your phone.....assuming you have a smart phone. You can also use small things around the house to do strength training like can goods or filling up a couple of water bottles.

    Far as meals, I usually cook enough that I can freeze for another day. You might want to start eating the brown whole grain products, they tend to keep you much fuller. Many people suffer from depression. I was always told to think about what made you depress and stay away from those's a renewal of the mind process. If you recently relocated then you have to think why you relocated, what made you want the change. Whatever the issue is, there's nothing to big you can't handle. Good luck on your journey to losing weight.
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I have sent you a friend request.:flowerforyou:
  • shelleyspots
    Eat small meals throughout the day. Think of your stomach as the size of your fist and eat about what will fit in there. I use foods that increase my metabolism, berries, apples, cinnamon, vegetables etc. Lots of lean protein. Don't forget good fats, like avacado, and olive oil. A great book that has helped me is The Skinny Rules, by Bob Harper. On the spiritual, and most important side, remember God wants you to be healthy and to glorify him in your body. Read "Made to Crave" by Lisa Terk(something). You'll find it on Blessings!