Chocolate cravings I've never had before-cross addiction?

I have been having awful chocolate cravings that are almost impossible for me to ignore. I had never had these before my surgery and in fact I rarely craved chocolate and wasn't much for sweets in general. Now, it seems I can't get enough of chocolate or sweets! It's driving me crazy and I'm having trouble controlling it. Could this be a cross addiction? I know...sounds wierd...but I don't know what else to think. How do I get some control of this?


  • mamasez
    mamasez Posts: 3
    I have been having the same problem! Trying to get my choco cravings filled by using a chocolate calcium citrate wafer "medallion" called "Healthy Indulgence" that I get at The Vitamin Shoppe. Each one is 35 cals and 500 mg of calcium citrate.

    HTH, Leah
  • Obreezes
    Obreezes Posts: 35
    Well, I've found that taking a magnesium supplement has helped tremendously. I no longer get the awful "have to have it" cravings and can pass it up most of the time. Thank goodness!
  • dargar27
    dargar27 Posts: 6
    Thank you for the tip because I'm having the exact same issue!! I can't seem to get enough chocolate and constantly fight myself. I initially noticed around Halloween, and it's been a battle ever since. Even yesterday I told my husband he had to buy me a candy bar...thank you, I'm off to the store now to get that supplement!