What's your favorite weight loss game?

mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
I have The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout (BLUW) and Your Shape Fitness Evolved (YSFE). I'm a huge fan of the BLUW! I'll be honest, I haven't played it in four months because it's been so nice outside, but now that the snow's falling I'd better dust it off start up again! I also like Kinect Sports, especially boxing, for quick workouts that don't feel like workouts. I've been thinking about getting a dancing or zumba game. Any thoughts or recommendations?


  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I have BLUW, Sports, Adventures, Fighters Uncaged. My favorite is probably Sports but I use Sports & BLUW the most. I like table tennis, soccer, volleyball & boxing in Sports plus the Target Practice. For intensity out of this lot I reckon it'd go something like Fighters, Adventures/Reflex Ridge, Sports/Target Practice - they all really get the heart thumping LOL.

    Can't say I'm overly impressed with the Demo for the New Sports 2.

    I reckon Fighters is unreal but you have to watch it not to do yourself some damage LOL.

    Not sure on the dancing - I've only tried the demo for Dance central and felt like a bit of twit :O
  • kerrifair
    kerrifair Posts: 30 Member
    We have EA Active For Wii and Wii Fit.. thats it. The only time I feel like I am getting a good workout with Wii Fit is hula hooping... I have to figure out actual calories burned for EA Active. I want to get some new ones soon.. I wonder how our downstairs neighbor would feel about that! haha
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    I have The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout, Zumba, Kinect Adventures and Fighters Uncaged.. My favorite is BLUW... I started out doing wiifit plus, and I liked it, but now it's too easy for me. I also have The Biggest Loser on the wii, but I don't like it as much...
  • Kazcor
    Kazcor Posts: 3 Member
    Your Fitness evolved 2012 (X Box Kinect) is a great 'game'. Game? It's serious stuff for 75% of the time but has some fun stuff too. It's the best personal trainer and dance teacher I have ever had. It soon tells me if my squats are not low enough, or my arms are not straight enough!!!

    With it's warm up. workout, dance routines and games it scores a 10 out of 10 with me. The 'game' tracks your progress and calories after each task/workout and totally.

    I have set a goal over 4 weeks and I have achieved 35% of my goal, so i know I need to put a little more time in each week to meet that goal. With this game and this website, i have it sorted!!
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I have Just Dance 2, Wii Fit Plus, and Biggest Loser.

    So far my favorite is Biggest Loser.
  • Just ordered "Your Shape: Total Fitness 2012" for the kinect. I hope it's good. My parents have the wii fit and I enjoy it whenever I'm over there.
  • For me its got to be Just dance 2 & 3, and Zumba!
  • Semichrist
    Semichrist Posts: 17 Member
    I have Wii Fit and YourShape: Fitness Evolved (not 2012 yet) for Kinect. I really like Fitness Evolved, and will probably get the new one when I have the cash.
  • My favorite is Dance Central 2. I always get my heart rate up and dance until I'm way out of breath but its so fun I want to keep playing even though I'm really exhausted.
  • KatieKatPink
    KatieKatPink Posts: 1 Member
    Currently, my favorite workout game is Your Shape Fitness Evolved. I love the variety and the game offers an excellent burn.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    So far Kinect Adventures is my favorite with Sports 2 close behind. The skiing in Sports 2 is really fun- there's a free mode where you ski down a mountain and have to jump/duck and side step obastacles- I like it better than Reflex Ridge on the Adventures because I don't have to jump for it to go faster- just crouch. Tennis is super fun too. Darts is too twitchy but golf is relaxing. Wish they had hangliding. Maybe for Sports 3- Xtreme? lol

    We tried YSFE 2012 and Hubbs liked it but I found it freaky (the drill sergeant - I hated that. Quit the game over it.) and twitchy. So he will get that one for his birthday.

    Folks who liked the Biggest Loser one- I've never seen the show and never done one of their workouts. Do they yell at you? Are there a lot of floor exercises (difficult for me because Kinect can't track my cane)? Is it fun like Adventures and Sports?
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I currently am using Walk It Out for the Wii and The Biggest Loser Power walk. I just go Just Dance 3 for the Wii.
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    My favorite is Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012. I have the original one too, but 2012 improved on it in so many ways. I really like the variety and the control. I've also been having a blast with the African Dance class. I've heard a lot of good things about the Biggest Loser game. I'm toying with picking that one up once I have the extra money.
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    I love and adore Wii Fit and Wii Sports. I know you can play Sports sitting down but I always get up and move--especially Bowling and Tennis. :D

    We had Yourself Fitness for original Xbox and it was pretty cool at the time, but Wii Fit really does it for me.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I have wii fit, wii sports and sports resort, zumba, just dance 1,2 and 3, kinect adventures, kinect sports, EA sports active 1 and 2, biggest loser challenge.

    EA sports active is good, but sports active 2 is even better as it has a heart rate monitor. Not sure if it's an accurate one but it's a good guide.

    I like biggest loser challenge which is ok, but sports active 2 is the best one so far for me. None of the others feel like a workout.
  • mtarika
    mtarika Posts: 44 Member
    Just Dance. Always fun, always entertaining. I just wish there were more new songs
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I have Kinect Sports, Dance Central 2 and Jillian Michaels Fitness Adventure. I do NOT recommend Jillian Michaels if you have weak joints or anything like that. My knees are bad and the game really put a strain on them.

    I enjoy Kinect Sports. I do the track events for a good fun workout, and Dance Central 2 gets my heart rate going (and I love their fitness option that tracks everything).

    I am thinking about getting the BLUW soon!
  • mtarika
    mtarika Posts: 44 Member
    What happened to this board? No one is posting anymore :( Anyone have any new news about new weight loss games? I have a wii and love using it for indoor workouts.
  • phodujour
    phodujour Posts: 11 Member
    Just Dance 3! I love that you can choose how many calories a day you want to burn. Tightrope and Forget You are my favorites to dance to :smile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    So far Kinect Adventures is my favorite..................

    I agree, Kinect Adventures blows away any other Kinect exercise game.