Training Prior to Cons

Hello guys, I'm new here! Where I'm from we've only got about three events a year and for the first time ever, Melbourne Australia will be hosting its very own Comicon!

Anyway my question is, what is your training plan to get into shape before a convention, do you exercise everyday, detox, has your work paid off so far? Tell me about it :)

I plan on losing weight first before planning my next costume because they typically take months to make, so I'm thinking late next year I'll be dressed up and ready and maybe enter my first cosplay competition if by the beginning of 2013 I have reached an optimum weight. Yay.


  • Zerago
    Zerago Posts: 7
    Hey meowstrom!

    This past year was when I finally started caring about my physical fitness as it affects my cosplay. I personally don't go for an extreme get-ready-for-convention-X, but I use the idea of cosplay as a long-term motivator to look better. The way you're looking at it, i.e. setting a goal over several months, sounds like a great way to go about it. That's basically what I've done - and I've lost 40lbs from it! :D

    Just come up with a plan and stick to it! Good luck with your future competitions ^_^