Welcome Long Hair Lovers!

SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
Introduce yourself & have fun! :flowerforyou:

Personally, I've had long hair down to my rear (Hip-Length) for most of my life. Love it! :love: Due to a few mishaps, I have had it shoulder length a few times. (perm twice & a scissor-happy stylist :mad: ) Couldn't wait for it to grow out!

I started going grey at 14 & colored my hair for many years. Stopped coloring it when I turned 30! Now I'm 35 & my hair is so much healthier! I'm told by stylists when I go for a trim that my hair is the healthiest they've ever seen for being so long.

So celebrate your natural or long hair! I know I do!


  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    names tia, and I love long beautiful hair. Im also a curly girl. I only use cleansing conditioners to protect my curls from the drying of sulfates in regular shampoos. Cant wait to learn new techniques and styles from the rest of you ladies ;-)
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I'm Sarah. I've had long hair most of my life. My mom is Native American, and has never cut her hair. It's down to her knees! Lol I don't think ill let mine get that long, but it is already to my butt. By next year, I will prolly be able to sit on it :) I don't do anything special, jes condition it well and avoid tight braids or curlers to avoid breakage. Ty for the invite!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hi all, thanks for the invite! I'm a long natural curly, also a Long Hair Community forum lurker, and my goal is to see just how long my hair will grow. I think the last time I had a haircut was 2007.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Hi. My name is Sacqua, or Tristis, if you prefer. :) I'm growing my hair out and using natural shampoos and conditioners, except for the stuff I have left over before I went natural. I no longer dye my hair, but may use a coffee stain in the near future, as my greys are getting a little wild. :)
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hola all!
    My name is Christine, currently have shoulder length curly hair.
    Looking to grow it to mid back, if not a touch longer.

    I dont do anything special other than avoid blow dryers and curling irons like the plague....
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Hi, I'm Ami. I don't dye my hair, use products, or blow dry. Recently cut my butt-length hair to donate it to Locks of Love. Looking to regrow and possibly even re-donate.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I'm Beryl. My hair is locked up and is just below my waist. I've pretty much stopped using chemicals since 1996 except for when I used a temporary rinse a couple times early 2000 and dyed 10-15 of my locs in 2007. Now, I hope more gray will show up.

    My hair stays up most of the time and I'll probably cut it before it interferes with bathroom activities. :laugh:
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    growing my hair. want it to grow faster! any tips x
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Thanks for the invite! I've been letting my hair grow for about 15 years now. It is down to the bottom of my butt (dry)/to the back of my knees (wet). I use Tresamme Damaged for both shampoo and conditioner every other day and once a week Dove deep (leave-in) conditioner or as needed for tangles. I don't blow dry or use styling products in my hair. Once in a great while I'll flat-iron it or curl it for special occasions. Once a year (usually just as summer begins), I'll have it trimmed. The last time I went to the salon, the girl said I had the healthiest hair she had ever seen for someone with such long hair.

    Here are some really awful pictures of it from a few years ago. :)




    Thought someone said that fish oil makes hair grow faster? Don't know but I'm not willing to find out LOL.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Hi, I'm Ami. I don't dye my hair, use products, or blow dry. Recently cut my butt-length hair to donate it to Locks of Love. Looking to regrow and possibly even re-donate.

    I love that you donate your hair. In the past, they wouldn't take mine because I dyed it. I think they take dyed hair now, though.
  • dwkloveswine
    dwkloveswine Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, I am Danielle- I live in the humid state of Florida so curls aren't the issue its the frizz that comes with it. I love the way my hair looks using a salt water solution. It falls into ringlets. I normally use Aussie which is inexpensive and it works well with my hair. I love the leave in conditioner, gel and mousse.
    My hair is really curly and very thick there is a lot of it too, I am starting to play around with long layers.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Hello, I am Danielle- I live in the humid state of Florida so curls aren't the issue its the frizz that comes with it. I love the way my hair looks using a salt water solution. It falls into ringlets. I normally use Aussie which is inexpensive and it works well with my hair. I love the leave in conditioner, gel and mousse.
    My hair is really curly and very thick there is a lot of it too, I am starting to play around with long layers.

    I love your hair already.lol
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    Hello! My name is Amelody! I have been natural for about 6 years now. I wear my hair curly in the warm months and usually flat iron in the winter, but only once a month the rest of the time I do braid outs or twist out. My hair comes to about my chest now and I am aiming to get it to my waist. I have pictures of my journey on youtube/amelodybeauty
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    HI everyone my name is Sarah and I have super curly ringlet hair! I'm transitioning from straightening my hair all the time to only straightening it every few months. I have only straightened my hair 3 or 4 times this year so I'm so happy about that. I hate how dry my hair gets using the flat iron. I also use Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel and it is sooooo awesome in my hair, I would definitely recommend it to people of African American backgrounds
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hello to all! I'm Trula and my hair is natural and 3 1/2 feet long.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Hello to all! I'm Trula and my hair is natural and 3 1/2 feet long.

    Oh wow!!! Super long!!! love it!!!
  • Jayme813
    Jayme813 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I'm Jayme, and I have been natural for almost two years. Well... actually... I was natural from Nov of 2006 through February of 2010... then I made a spontaneous (and regretful) decision to relax my hair again. After about 5 months, I couldn't take it any more... my hair was breaking off and it was no longer as full, healthy, and happy as it was while natural, so I went back! Transitioned for a few months, and then BC'd. Now I'm back to my curly self!

    My hair curls pretty tight, so while curled it hits at about the bottom of my ear on the sides, and when straight it hits my collar bone (big difference huh?). I don't dye it because... well... I like my natural dark brown/reddish hair color. I wouldn't rule out dying it though... the mood just hasn't hit me.

    My goal is to see how long I can grow my hair and keep it healthy... partially because I have a brother who's hair is at about mid-back while curly even with it not being as healthy (so imagine if he had taken as much care of his as I do to mine), and I'm a little (lot) jealous LOL

    Anywho... nice to meet you all!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Hi! I'm Jayme, and I have been natural for almost two years. Well... actually... I was natural from Nov of 2006 through February of 2010... then I made a spontaneous (and regretful) decision to relax my hair again. After about 5 months, I couldn't take it any more... my hair was breaking off and it was no longer as full, healthy, and happy as it was while natural, so I went back! Transitioned for a few months, and then BC'd. Now I'm back to my curly self!

    My hair curls pretty tight, so while curled it hits at about the bottom of my ear on the sides, and when straight it hits my collar bone (big difference huh?). I don't dye it because... well... I like my natural dark brown/reddish hair color. I wouldn't rule out dying it though... the mood just hasn't hit me.

    My goal is to see how long I can grow my hair and keep it healthy... partially because I have a brother who's hair is at about mid-back while curly even with it not being as healthy (so imagine if he had taken as much care of his as I do to mine), and I'm a little (lot) jealous LOL

    Anywho... nice to meet you all!

    Jayme813, you made it!!!!! ....Also, Im jealous of your brother's hair too.lol
  • widdley24
    widdley24 Posts: 3
    Do you know where I can find the oil please, my daughter is not of africal decent at all but has very very tight curly hair that sticks out instead of dropping, its to her mid back when wet and just below her ears when dry, gives you and idea on the curls, would love to find a product to give her some weight and definition.
  • widdley24
    widdley24 Posts: 3
    Hello, I'm Liz I have long naturall gurly naturally auburn hair which is currently to the top of my bum, I haven't cut it in years and just trim twice a year(take about an inch off to get rid of splits). Its in very good condition for the length with minimal splits considering. I do dye it a fair bit though (3 or 4 times a year) as I hate the grey thats coming, I'm only 33 and don't want to be grey yet :( But my redeeming factor is that I haven't used an hairdryer for around 15 years and hardly ever use styling products.