Just created this group

SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
If anyone wants to join, please feel free! I don't know if there are any other BDD sufferers here, but if so, I wanted a place to talk about it and offer support. I have had Body Dysmorphic Disorder since the age of eight (29 now) and in the last five years I have done a lot of work to learn ways to fight it. It can be confusing to be on a weight loss journey with BDD, knowing that there's the chance you mind could turn on you when you reach your goal weight and keep you dissatisfied, so if anyone else out there lives with this, let's talk! :)


  • ElleEmmeKay
    Hi there, I'm Leah and I also have struggled with BDD. I have days that are really great and then I also have days where I'm pretty sure I'm the ugliest and fattest person in the world. For me, it's helped to reference the bible (I'm a believer in Jesus Christ) and what is says about how God views me. I'm also dating a Psychology major, he is currently working on his masters so My bf often points me in the right direction mentally and emotionally.
  • Recovering_for_cupcakes
    Hi. :-) I saw this group pop up on my side bar and I was excited to see it here. I'm just starting the road to recovery from an ED that I've had for over 10 years. I have the typical BDD that goes along with a restrictive ED and it's really good to see people who share the same experiences. Thanks for making this place for us :-)
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    I bet dating a psych major does help! I'm single now, but my ex really struggled to understand some of the things I went through coping with BDD.
  • abigail132
    abigail132 Posts: 45
    Only just joined MFP and found this group and i'm so happy!
    Don't get me wrong, friends and family are great and supportive, but no one other that other BDD sufferers/survivors know how hard it is, especially when attempting to diet in a healthy way!

    If anyone could add/accept me i'd love to have a chat - it would really be amazing to hear other stories and a helping hand :')

    Thanks for the group!
  • valeriejbardini
    I have suffered with an ED in the past, I am a Christian now and also focus more on how God sees me rather than my own impression of myself. This helps immensely. I am ready now to take the steps I need to get fit and healthy instead of obsessing over the scales and worrying about irrational responses to the reflection I see in the mirror. It is usually linked to my state of mind and not my appearance I know this and am now able to calm my thoughts. Thank you for creating this group.
  • lythiam
    lythiam Posts: 32
    Hello, my name is Shannon. I've had BDD since 5th grade, I'm 25 now. I remember looking at my body when I was all of 8 years old and being extremely satisfied that I had a six pack. At 10, I had a few surgeries that left ugly scars on my body, and left me unable to move for quite some time, which is when I developed BDD.

    Most days, I don't even leave the house. I want to do fun things with other people, but I don't want anyone to see me, so I just stay put and am bored all day with my daughter. On Friday, I am finally going to a therapist about this.
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    Lythiam-- major kudos for finally going to see a therapist tomorrow! I don't know where I'd be right now if I hadn't finally gotten some professional help several years ago.

    Abigail132-- I agree that there are some things that non-BDDers just can't understand. Hopefully this group can be a place where none of that matters :)