
jmcarter13 Posts: 5 Member
Hi all,
I have a 7 month old who is BFing. I currently weigh 182 and am wanting to get down to 130 eventually. I would like to lose 20 lbs by the time I am finished BFing. My son will be 1 on 11/5/12 and I plan on stopping then. I am 5'4". Based on those stats, MFP put me at 1500 calories per day. I use the BFing option for -500 cals. Should I be adding 500 cals to my daily intake in addition to subtracting them? I know they say to make sure you eat enough calories but I feel like I am eating TOO many calories. I have seen posts about this in the past but I can't seem to understand it and I can't help feeling like I am doing something wrong. Thanks for the support!


  • apreslar27
    apreslar27 Posts: 16 Member
    We have the same stats and our babies are only a month apart. You should be eating around 2000 calories. I would check out the eat more to weigh less group too.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I read one helpful article that said breastfeeding women should not lower their daily calorie intake below 1800. I stick between 1800 and 2000 with one "cheat" meal per week. That seems a good mix for me (5'5" 163lbs trying to get to 150lbs) to lose about 1lbs per week. If I go lower than that, I actually start gaining weight because my body goes into starvation. I also workout 5-6 times per week burning about 300 calories per session.
    CHEVALIERSARAH Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I am new here. What is the BFing option or where can I find it? I am breastfeeding and I want to make sure it is taking that into consideration when calculating my calories
  • add breastfeeding as a snack, there are a couple different ones to choose from based on your needs and schedule. Like i do breastfeeding-general because my 6 month old is exclusively breastfed. I am adding a meal of pumped milk and cereal, so i try to stay below the calorie count to compensate for any missed feedings because of this.
  • amie1004
    amie1004 Posts: 65 Member
    You can add it in as an exercise as well.....i just put in 1 min breastfeeding and then put the calories at 500 (exclusive breastfeeding)...I do ti this way so then I can still see exactly how many calories I have eaten for the day.