I want to give up!!!!

rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
Ok.. so breastfeeding. Good for me. Good for my little girl. Frustrating as h*ll.

So this morning I wake up, feed her with not that much problem. Come the next feeding she eats a little and starts fussing. I'm wondering... Is she hungry and not eating because my milk is coming too slow? I don't want to offer her the other breast because she drained that one the last feeding and the one she needs to eat on now ALREADY makes less milk... ugh. I don't want lopsided boobs!

Maybe she is not hungry? Going from every 3 hours to 4? She is almost 4 months old now. Sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. Should I pump or just wait it out until the next feeding? I HATE PUMPING.

Just having a small psychotic break... but besides the extra calorie boost.. I'm kind of fed up today. Just looking for some encouragement.


  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    At about 4 months of age my son became highly distractible. I had to nurse in a quiet room or he would delatch himself and get preoccupied checking stuff out and an hour later become hungry. A 4 hour stretch is about normal for that age
    Brb crying baby
  • apreslar27
    apreslar27 Posts: 16 Member
    Mine would start fussing and then pull off at that age because he was teething or sometimes because the milk would come out too fast for him. Keep it up! It is so good for your baby!
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    Sometimes when my daughter was too hungry/frustrated and milk wasn't coming fast enough, I would give her like a 2oz bottle, then breastfeed her. She would get something in her tummy quickly (from the bottle) and then she would be ok with the slower flow of breastfeeding. I think sometimes they just think they are sooo hungry that they just want it NOW!!! Lol. 8-) Good luck!! (I feel your frustration, my daughter is 10 months, I am SOO ready to be done, but I really don't want to give her formula so at least 2 more months for me.) I keep telling myself, once she turns one, I can at least stop with the overnight pumping I do at work, I HATE PUMPING!!! I know once I am finished breastfeeding though I will really miss our special time together, as frustrating as it is sometimes.
  • amie1004
    amie1004 Posts: 65 Member
    bumping to reply in a little bit :) ....bedtime here for the lo
  • amie1004
    amie1004 Posts: 65 Member
    My 4 month old has become fussy when eating as well, and it usually happens on my "low-supply" side. I've realized its because it doesn't let down fast enough. What I have started doing is letting him try on that side, and if he gets fussy, switching him for a bit, just until he is sated, and then put him back on the other side for the majority of the feeding. That seems to have helped. He is also SUPER distractible while eating now, too, no matter where we are....but it takes him a lot shorter time to eat (when he actually decided to eat), so I guess it balances out :)

    I would caution against giving a bottle as if that become a habit, it will effect your supply.

    Good luck! Stick with it!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks ladies! I wound up giving her a bottle of breastmilk and pumping... but at least I'm not ready to totally give up any more! Thanks for the support.
  • loisd82
    loisd82 Posts: 24 Member
    First of all, well done you!! You're doing amazingly well, don't give up yet! at 4 months their senses are becoming so much more tuned in to whats happening around them that it's easy for them to be distracted. She'll soon get back into the swing of it, i've just finished feeding my son at 19 months, best thing i ever did! xx
  • loisd82
    loisd82 Posts: 24 Member
    sorry, feeding him myself was the best thing i ever did - not stopping it, lol!