staying motivated

Often I find myself looking at the junk food that surrounds me and feel the tug in my psychy to have just one doughnut. And then the voice in my head gives a tug to remember those doughnuts will be there when I have meet my goal. Trying to stay motivated is often an argument inside my head. My taistbuds watery tears give their input too. But a fight worth fighting for is that goal to reach size ten.
So whatever you have to tell your internal sabotage on your will power- don't give in. You are worth more than that candybar. And that candybar is not your friend.


  • janice399
    janice399 Posts: 5
    I find that eating protein in the morning and a little more at each meal keeps me from snacking. Also drinking 2 glasses of milk a day stops my ice cream desires and I also less likely to eat cheese. Vegetables are difficult to eat but I do. The only thing that really causes me to stop loosing and start gaining is carbs. No more then 4 slices of bread each day or 4 oz of carbs like pasta.

    If you don't eat enough then candy and doughnuts will hound you. It's not about not eating it is about eating the right way for you. Everyone has to figure out what that is.