How's everyone doing?

Hi everyone! :smile:

Thanks for joining the group! How are you all getting along with your journeys?

Share your hints and tips here, so we can all support each other.


  • Cyzzane
    Cyzzane Posts: 1
    I'm doing pretty good! Realized that I needed to start putting my food into here =) So I updated my day yesterday and today.
  • renee_chan
    renee_chan Posts: 10
    Doing good so far! This is a neat website. Useful for counting calories. Thanks for making this group!
  • fiwen30
    fiwen30 Posts: 10
    Not doing too badly so far, though I hope I can keep it up! I am loving this website though, it's so handy to pop open when you're browsing so you can keep track of all the noms! :)
  • ZettaMomo
    ZettaMomo Posts: 1
    I've been doing pretty good.
    I need to keep sticking to my habit of recording what I eat and my exercises on this site, though.
  • renee_chan
    renee_chan Posts: 10
    I did ok yesterday. Was under my calorie count but over in carbs. But I'm down 1.5 lbs!
  • I'm solid so far. Little slips here and there, but overall I'm doing really good.

    Love that you mentioned this site and made this group. I got the MFP app on my phone, so now I can log calories quickly and easily! Makes watching my food intake a thousand times easier.
  • betrayedbyb0nes
    betrayedbyb0nes Posts: 5 Member
    It's fabby having the app on your phone, wow! It's on both android and apple phones.. and free, so I don't think anyone will find it hard to install.
  • Caetikins
    Caetikins Posts: 2
    Hey guys! I need to download the app for myself, but tonight I am dead tired. Haven't found out anything about bloodwork yet, but hopefully I will soon. I am still feeling kinda sicky, and it made me miss karate, but I am going to try to do some yoga and walk a good bit if I can...might go walk with Ellie if she has some time off. =] Have to do it in the evenings's over 100 F here right now!

    I'm eating some light and fit yogurt (it's really good!) and eating Special K for my breakfast...hard to not go overboard, but I will figure out a way to do it. I want to get a muscle milk tub so i can start drinking that again, but that might push me over my calorie count...

    Any ideas for a salad hater?
  • Goona feel great to get started!