What's your WOD today?

runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
Getting ready to head to the box in about 15 minutes. According to our gym's site, today's WOD is:

70% of 1RM x 5
80% x 5 (2 sets)
85% x max reps (2 sets)

AMRAP (for reps)
4 min : knee-to-elbow
3 min : ground-to-shoulder atlas stones 90/70
2 min : double unders
1 min : sumo-deadlift high pulls 75/55


  • rainbos
    rainbos Posts: 75 Member
    WHHOOT cant wait!!

    50 back squats (135/95)
    20 pull ups
    10 push jerks (135/95)
    50 front squats (85/65)
    20 pull ups
    10 push jerks (85/65)
    50 OH squats (65/45)
    20 pull ups
    10 push jerks (65/45)
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    3 Rounds AMRAP (1 Min/Station)

    -Ball Slams (20/10)
    -KB Swings (55/35)
    -Lateral Jumps over Parallettes
    -Push Press (75/55)
    -Double Unders

    Count total number of reps...
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Yesterday's WOD was
    5 x 1 Strict Shoulder Press
    5 x 3 Push Press
    5 x 5 Push Jerk (no split allowed)

    PR'd each of those babies!!

    supplemental 21-15-9 Front Squat (135/95) and Pull Ups (subbed with inverted row)

    Today is a Non-CF day
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    We have two WODs available. Basically the same except the second option has heavier weight and more advanced movements...

    Regular WOD
    10 Rounds

    Odd minutes (0-1,2-3,etc)
    a) Squat Cleans (185#/115#) – 3
    b) Pull-ups – 10

    Even minutes (1-2,3-4,etc)
    c) Deadlifts (185#/115#) – 5
    d) Burpees – 5

    Scoring will be the total reps you are able to complete. Everyone starts with 230 “points.” If you need to rest (skip burpees) you will lose 5 points.

    10 Rounds

    Odd minutes (0-1,2-3,etc)
    a) Squat Cleans (225#/135#) – 3
    b) Chest-to-Bars – 10

    Even minutes (1-2,3-4,etc)
    c) Deadlifts (225#/135#) – 5
    d) Burpees – 7

    Scoring will be the total reps you are able to complete. Everyone starts with 250 “points.” If you need to rest (skip burpees) you will lose 7 points.
  • runcrissierun
    runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
    Woo hoo - look at those workouts!

    I'm hitting up a noon class today:

    4 Rounds for Time:
    20 hand-release push ups
    800m run
    5 muscle ups

    Cash Out:
    KB Windmills - 30 each side
  • anniep106
    anniep106 Posts: 12 Member
    overhead box steps 45/25#
    power cleans 105/70#
    shoulder-to-overhead 105/70#

    Im not going until 730 tonight.....impatient!
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I'm doing a different program at my box, Strength/Speed/Skill, so we do more work less WOD.

    warm up: Cindy

    12min. to work on any two gymnastic movements

    12 min.: strict push-ups with weight, L-hang (or sit), ring rows (all to fatigue), 45s. rest in between

    1000m row for time
  • aggiejane07
    aggiejane07 Posts: 23 Member
    3 rounds of: run 100m: 200m: 400m with 1:1 rest

    10 minutes AMRAP
    10 pullups
    15 pushups
    20 squats

    Went at 6am. Thought the running would be brutal but it wasn't too bad. I love going before work. Makes me happy to start my day.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    We had out weigh-in, measurements and skinfold this morning which always eats into our time, so we did a quick but tough WOD. It was:

    10 minute AMRAP
    15 KB swings 12kg
    10 burpees

    I got 8 full rounds and 9 extra KB swings.
  • runcrissierun
    runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
    That's awesome! Today's was hard for me. Starting on the road of muscle-ups! We did:

    4 rounds of:

    10 hand release push ups
    400 m runs
    10 pull-ups
    10 dips.

    That was the newbie WOD. Double the reps for the people who've done this a bit. Took me 20:15....oy. someday, I'll get better at this!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    last night was brutal for me as I am still learning how to do some of these things but this is what it was

    8 rounds for time

    5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 85/125 lbs ( actual 35lbs)
    5 Hang Cleans
    5 Split Jerks
    *Goal: Don’t put the bar down until the round is completed


    I wish I could do 85lbs, maybe one day I mean I am only 1 month in.
  • EmilyCholette1990
    EmilyCholette1990 Posts: 39 Member

    Ett: 3 rounds

    1 min 6 inch legs holes
    30 sec scissors
    30 sec in and out
    90 seconds plank
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    6:00am Foundations Class

    Warm Up - squats, push ups, reverse sit ups

    Strength: establish 1 rep max weight back squat (20lbs, I'm new and still sore from Saturday squat hell)


    12 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

    6 ring dips - 4 rounds

    9 v-ups - 3 rounds, 6 reps

    12 weighted lunges 45/25 - 3 rounds
  • runcrissierun
    runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
    last night was brutal for me as I am still learning how to do some of these things but this is what it was

    8 rounds for time

    5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 85/125 lbs ( actual 35lbs)
    5 Hang Cleans
    5 Split Jerks
    *Goal: Don’t put the bar down until the round is completed


    I wish I could do 85lbs, maybe one day I mean I am only 1 month in.

    Awesome! I'm only a month in too. We also did sumo dead lift high pulls on Monday. Rx was 55. I only did 42#. What matters is we're out there doing it!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    last night was brutal for me as I am still learning how to do some of these things but this is what it was

    8 rounds for time

    5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 85/125 lbs ( actual 35lbs)
    5 Hang Cleans
    5 Split Jerks
    *Goal: Don’t put the bar down until the round is completed


    I wish I could do 85lbs, maybe one day I mean I am only 1 month in.

    Awesome! I'm only a month in too. We also did sumo dead lift high pulls on Monday. Rx was 55. I only did 42#. What matters is we're out there doing it!

    It was the split jerks I was worried about, I have a weak leg and that ish scared me!
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    EMOM day (all at 75% of max 1rep):
    a)DL x6 for 6min.
    b)front rack lunge x12 for 6min.
    c)push press x6 for 6min.
    d) 125m row for 6min.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    3 rounds for time of
    600m run
    10 each arm of one arm KB swings (12kg KB)
    100m KB run
    20 KB situps
    20 KB squats

    I think it took me about 13 minutes.
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    Crossfit rest day,

    so 5 mile stagger up and down a hill.

    Then some pilates, which seems to be mostly lying down and chatting with one leg in the air a bit.
  • anniep106
    anniep106 Posts: 12 Member

    800m Run
    30 Wall Balls 20/14#
    20 KB Swings 53/35#
    10 Ground-to-Overhead 45/25# Plate
    400m Run
    20 Wall Balls
    20 KB Swings
    20 Ground-to-Overhead
    200m Run
    10 Wall Balls
    20 KB Swings
    30 Ground-to-Overhead
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    18 thrusters (25kg)
    16 thrusters (25kg)
    14 thrusters (25kg)

    This was a good one for me, I am a good rower (way better than at running) and a 25kg thruster is pretty light for me, but wow the lactic builds up in your legs going from rowing to thrusters!!