Kids close together

Did anyone have their kids really close together and now having a really hard time losing the wieght. I had three in three years.


  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    My first two were almost 5 years apart but the next 5 were all born in the next 5 years then I had a 3 year break before #7 and another 3 year break before #8. Sometimes I think our bodies are holding on to the extra weight just waiting for us to get preggo again. Are you planning on having more kids? I love my big family but it is certainly not for everyone. I am ready to get my body back, at least for a little while.
  • lizaiza79
    lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
    I had 4 in 4 years, then got divorced and had to be a single mom for 4 years. It was all I could do to be a good mom to 4 little ones. I finally got back to a normal weight BMI, then got married again and pregnant with #5. I got back to my pre pregnancy weight by about 7 months post-partum with #5, but it was sooo hard, and I still looked flabby. Had a c section with #4, so am dealing with that pooch too. I am 33, and I feel discouraged about how much my body has been through. I love my kids, but wish I could be proud of my body too.

    I honestly am planning on having a tummy tuck and a breast lift in the next year or too, as a reward for getting in shape. It feels so discouraging to me to know I can work super hard to tone, but can't do a darn thing about extra tummy skin and boobs to my knees!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I have 2 kids and they are 15 months apart. My second one is now about 4 months old. I was overweight before getting pregnant with my first and then i got pregnant soon again so I never got a chance to work on the pre pregnancies weight. Now that i lost the pregnancy weight I am working on the 25 extra lbs I was carrying around before i got pregnant with my first.
  • footballchick89
    I have 2 under 2, I gained a ton on depo before my 11 week old was conceived. I still have 40lbs minimum to lose but the fact that I am losing is great!
  • QuinaultLake
    My kids aren't that close in age; 5 mths, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years.

    But I have been pregnant 8 times in the last 8 years.
  • QuinaultLake
    I honestly am planning on having a tummy tuck and a breast lift in the next year or too, as a reward for getting in shape. It feels so discouraging to me to know I can work super hard to tone, but can't do a darn thing about extra tummy skin and boobs to my knees!

    I am planning to have a breast lift (and possible reduction) after my breast feeding days are done. I hope that everything will sort of bounce back after awhile. But gravity is sort of irreversible.
  • ChristineAnelia
    I have three kids under the age of four. 22 months apart and 19 months apart. Not crazy close, but a little overwhelming at times. I really didn't gain much weight during my pregnancies. I actually lost 20 lbs during my middle pregnancy from throwing up so much. I gained all my "baby weight" in the few months following each birth. Ugh! Working on it now, but it's not easy with breastfeeding and I'm still trying to find a good workout routine that fits into the rest of the family's schedule.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I had 4 in 4.5 years...I wouldn't say that it's because of this the weight is harder to come off, I'd say its because I didn' teven try to get the weight off inbetween, and now I'm stuck with 4.5 years of baggage!

    Keep at it - it'll come off with good nutrition and lots of exercise! :)