Daily Motivation

PHCCFitness Posts: 11 Member
This is where we will post the Topics we cover each time we gather.


  • PHCCFitness
    PHCCFitness Posts: 11 Member

    DO WORK for Christ Wednesday!


    1 COR 10:31
    So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God.

    COL 3:23
    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as workiing for the Lord and not man.

    Faith and Fitness each have very similar obstacles and successes. We have to constantly feed ourselves spiritually and physically to overcome hardships that come our way. If we neglet our spiritual hunger we have a hard battling evil advances. Same goes for our physical body, if we feed it junk we will have a hard time during a workout or even worse skipping a workout.

    Health Tip:
    Boosting Metabolism

    Make sure to eat within 10-30 minutes of waking up, this starts our "fire" burning.

    Breakfast option 1

    -Eggs:boiled, fried scrambled
    -1/4-1/2 cup Oats: no instant (flavor w/ cinammon or small amount honey
    -1 Cup Milk

    Option 2
    --Eggs:boiled, fried scrambled
    --1/4 cup Pumpkin seed flax granola (walmart)
    --1/4 Cup Lo Fat Yogurt

    Try to do some sort of activity this weekend, and share it with us Monday.

    God Bless and Thank You
    JP SP
  • PHCCFitness
    PHCCFitness Posts: 11 Member
    Saturday 6/23

    Good Morning Everybody! I hope everyones weekend is awesome.

    Here is some early weekend scripture motivation

    Matthew 5;14-16

    You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it
    under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.

    Health Tip

    Our bodies are high performance machines they need the good fuel multiple times a day. The good fuel consists of protien, complex carbs and fats. Contrary to popular belief we actually need more food than less food!? Yep, we need more, if we do not eat enough of what our body requires is starts feeling starved. God designed our bodies for surviving, so when we do not get the required amount our body goes into starvation mode. Thus, when we do eat the right amount it does not get used as energy it gets stored for later use. This is why we stay away from "fad" diets, most diets like this require us to cut calories and starve ourselves. So this lifestyle looks like this:

    Meal 1 Breakfast
    Meal 2 Wholesome good snack
    Meal 3 Lunch
    Meal 4 Wholesome good snack
    Meal 5 Dinner

    Eating this way will keep your metabolism burning all day- its like adding logs to a campfire. To start in this direction start with eating meals 1-3-5 until you get the hang of the schedule you can work your way to eating all 5 and it becomes second nature and a way of life for you.

    Here is how Sasha and I make this a bit easier for ourselves. We will precook chicken and package it in the fridge so all we have to do is warm it up. We buy steamable veggies, brown rice and wild rice with veggies(frozen section Wal-Mart) 4 minutes we have 4 servings of veggies and rice. Our healthy scnacks include belvita crackers, protien powder, fruit, wheat puff cereal(make sure to get the plain-noadditives) trial-mix, nuts of all kinds(almonds, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts, etc..).

    I hope this might help, I know there is alot of info here if you have any questions holler at us. The information we are giving you here is based on our own personal research and experience, If is makes you feel more comfortable you might have your family doctor look it over to make sure its right for you.

    Have a Blessed weekend hope to see ya'll tomorrow.

  • It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another! Hebrews 10:31

    Yuupp, it is fearful, but so invigorating once you find that He will NEVER leave you!

    We can do anything with God as our Center!
  • PHCCFitness
    PHCCFitness Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning,

    I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying their challenges from Monday.

    Today will be our 4th FITT gathering and our bodies might be starting to be sore or tired. We need to make sure to feed our bodies with great nutrition, as well as, great rest. I encourage you to keep your eyes on the Prize. Each one of us has our own "Prize", we just need to define what that is and stick to it.

    This scripture is says it all

    Phil 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    When it seems tough just remember those words.

    Have a Great Day,
