Sucker Punch

am I the only person that LOVES this movie?
So many people slating it lately (must have been shown on TV) and I am like whaaaaaaattt?

Its brilliant, love the story, the action is awesome, the directing brilliant (love Snyder!), hawt girls kicking *kitten*!
That is all!


  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I like it, it just makes no sense

    At all
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    of course it does!
    its all in her imagination - every time she dances she goes off into another 'world' to do the mission in that 'world' - even though shes already in another 'world' waiting for her lobotomy...... its a bit like Inception I suppose
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I think it makes for great special effects, fight scenes, girls in costume and gungasm but there are too many plot holes for me in this flick
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Yeah, if you just accept it as eye candy it's pretty damn awesome. If you try to bring it to the whole Sin City/Girl Interrupted level it fails.
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Why are you trying to elevate it. Take it for what it girls...with guns...kicking much *kitten*...and looking good doing it---kicking *kitten*, that is.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Why are you trying to elevate it. Take it for what it girls...with guns...kicking much *kitten*...and looking good doing it---kicking *kitten*, that is.

    actually I believe the problem that most people have with it is that the DIRECTOR tried to elevate it and all it did was make it confusing and uncomfortable - if it had been purely what you are describing everyone would like it.

    OP - I haven't seen it but I love the way it looks visually.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I don't actually recall the specifics of why I thought this at the time, but I recall thinking that the plot was disjointed and patchy in parts. It was pretty and all, but just not very impressive or really that interesting if we take the visuals out of it.

    I think of it as a 2 out of 5 stars. Possibly 3 if I were drunk.
  • i looooooove this movie!

    love love love it.

  • bikingpanda
    bikingpanda Posts: 68 Member
    Sucker Punch was ok. I think I was expecting a bit more from it in the story. I would not say that I hated it, but I would not go out of my way to see it again.
  • I really disliked it to be honest. I understood it was all in her imagination, but it still didn't make the stories make any sense.
  • i think it was really powerful in its message that we should be our own heroes an stuff but was a really sad ending really wanted baby doll to help all the girls xo
  • DKaye09
    DKaye09 Posts: 109
    I was super psyched for this movie to come out based solely on the visuals...

    ... and then was sadly disappointed at the end result. I think visually it was still beautiful- I just wished there was more "movie" to it :ohwell:
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I too, loved this movie- as a rpg-er it was full of set pieces wrapped round a twist turny plot and you got to the end and had to re think all your pre conceived ideas because the heroine of the movie wasn't the one you thought it was!
    Absolutely excellent!
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    I would have felt compelled to like it anyway since the crazy femenists who never saw it were so up in arms. Honestly, the number of people who told me I should be offended _as a woman_. Because when I watch a film I can't do so as a rational human being, obviously. I have to watch it _as a woman_. Eyeroll.
  • NS1216
    NS1216 Posts: 26
    Sucker Punch is fantastic! Visual brilliance and one hell of a soundtrack. I am a fan.
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    I treat it like an hour long filmclip, and on that front it's fricken amazing. I am a Snyder apologist, though, and pretty much immediately love everything he does.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Well, pretty much both sides of the story have been said. Visually it was amazing, story-wise it was full of plot holes, but in the end all it was, was a feast for the eyes and the imagination. Take it how you will.

    All I wish to take from that movie is how did she dance and why was everyone offended when she did?