Ft. Lewis McChord (JBLM) and a sort of NSV

fae14 Posts: 54 Member
A while ago I posted my DH was coming home this month. Well, Army being what it is, he's not home yet, BUT he's got orders in hand and a ticket booked to FINALLY come back from overseas.

We're headed out to JBLM and will be there, hopefully, before the 4th of July. Is anyone else out there? I would love to have some fitness friends who are doing this get healthy thing too so I don't have too many wine and cheese nights with those that can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound! :tongue:

Sort of NSV:

I bought my first pair of running shoes today. Like REAL running shoes. I got a $105 pair of ASICS for $75, which is about what I was going to spend on a pair of K-Swiss. I think I got the better shoe! I've got shin splits, so I'm hoping this will make it bearable. I'd like to be a runner. I'm jealous of all the girls around here running to their heart's content! :embarassed: I'm going to start Couch to 5k on June 1st!


  • honeybee3917
    honeybee3917 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm here :smile: We were stationed here in 2007 and have been here ever since. The DH is deployed right now so this has given me the perfect opportunity to really kick the fat to the curb! When you get here you will have a good two months to run outside before the rain season kicks in :wink:
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    When you get here you will have a good two months to run outside before the rain season kicks in :wink:

    You mean it doesn't rain all the time?! :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • ArchangelaJ
    Yay! I'm glad you're coming here! We can finally meet in person.
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    Yay! I'm glad you're coming here! We can finally meet in person.

    Oh my gosh! I didn't know you're there! Awesome!!
  • bboop2177
    bboop2177 Posts: 7 Member
    lol just stopped to say hi i am new to this group and new to JBLM
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    We are headed back there Oct-Dec time frame! I cant wait. Also here is a great website for races there.


    On a side note, since you have Fae in your name, my daughter's name is Faewyn. :)
  • kandrieu
    kandrieu Posts: 7 Member
    I am at JBLM sort of. My husband is in Japan for 2 years so my son and I moved back in with my parents while he is gone. Working out outside is hard here cause the weather goes back and forth so much. I have a gym membership but since my son is potty training I haven't gotten to use it much. Work out videos and zumba on the wii are my friends. Always looking for new friends around here as I don't get to leave the house much!
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    wow...with the move and everything, I totally forgot about this thread. I'm SO sorry!

    If anyone wants to get together and be workout buddies, or just get out of the house, please pm me. My husband just deployed last week, so I've got a renewed resolve to lose the weight before he gets home. It's a short deployment, so I don't have much time. Hooray deployment diet!
  • ambr1305
    ambr1305 Posts: 19
    We will be heading there in June from Fort Wainwright. Would love to have some workout buddies!:smile:
  • dizzyred0331
    I am here too. Been here for 12 years now. lol I would love fitness buddies!!
  • courtneygonzo
    My fiancee' is out there, and after the wedding, I will be too!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Oh How I miss Ft. Lewis. We're currently living in Germany! =/