Need suggestions

chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
So I am really trying not to freak out about weight, but it seems to be going up very rapidly lately. I am currently eating aroudn 2300 a day which is my maintenance plus 250 extra and I eat back the majority of my exercise calories. I am usually very close to the 2300, some days over and lately I've been trying to be under but it's only been by 50-100 a day usually. This is why I'm concerned...this is my weight gain by week. It started off good, but I feel is getting out of control


Thanks in advance for your suggestions. I did go to the doctor last week and they didn't say anything, but I am still concerned.


  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    MMM I can think of some things (not that I am an expert or anything :P ) :

    1st- after the first trimester you are supposed to gain 4lbs per month, this is average ... and so far I think this is where you are right now... (more or less is normal)

    2nd - even if you are meeting your calorie goal.. what kind of food are you fueling your body with ? I haven't really look at your diary very well .. but something to think about it .

    3rd. HAve you been suffering of constipation? this might be another reason of the weight gain ...

    4th : I've heard some ladies gain more weight in the second trimester and then don't gain in the last months.

    5th : if your doctor is not concerned then everything is alright :)

    Hope this helps! :) good luck and don't worry for the numbers but for the quality of your lifestyle for you and your baby ! :) ...
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I honestly don't eat the best, but I do eat much better than I used to. I make sure I eat more fruits and veggies. I do intake too much sodium, but that hasn't changed. I haven't been constipated, as I exercise, drink lots of water, and make sure I get my daily amount of fiber. Maybe it will even out, it just seems like a lot all together, and the baby was only 10 ounces on Friday! I'm pretty sure at my last appointment I had only gained about 4lbs in the 4 weeks, but Friday I weighed 169.6 and today I weight 173.8. usually it comes down a little but it's just been climbing. I'm going to make sure to drink a lot of water today and do my best on sodium and hopefully a couple lbs come off!
  • 69margaux
    69margaux Posts: 20 Member
    I'm experiencing similar. I am 26 weeks. I weigh only on Wednesdays. I went up 4.5 lbs today from last Wednesday. I did this previously but then went back down 3 the next and now back up 4. So I think some is water retention and depending on the amount of salt I eat...and like you I haven't cut out all my splurges. While I make good choices most of the time, I still have the occassional McGriddle or Five Guys Burger about once a month.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    2300 seems like a lot for maintenance. Has your lifestyle changed? Are you less active in day to day than before? Also to remember....everyone gains during pregnancy at a different rate.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    2300 is maintenance plus gaining 1/2lb per week. I used to wear my bodybugg religiously so I am pretty sure I am lightly active most days. Now I am lightly active, in the first trimester I set it to sedentary because I barely moved my butt off the couch!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Not sure what to suggest but for a little info I was up 18/20lb by 20 weeks without changing much - just gained weight. Im now 33 weeks and up total of 25lb (so only gained 5lb in 13 weeks) - so basically I wouldnt panic - if you are eating well and exercising Im sure it will balance itself out.

    I didnt change my cals in 1st and 2nd tri and have upped them now to about 2000 plus exercise cals - but Im not recorded much at the mo. Just watching what I eat and eating when hungry.

  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Overall you've had a slow and steady gain, so unless your doctor is concerned, I wouldn't worry about it. Also keep in mind that every woman/pregnancy is different. Just because one person says they've only gained 10lbs at 20 weeks, that doesn't mean you've gained too much. Everybody gains differently, and even though the "normal" weight gain for a woman with a healthy BMI is 35 lbs, so many women go above that. Trust your body!

    As for the sodium, do keep an eye on it! I was shocked recently when I suddenly retained water after eating something that has never caused me to retain water in the past (and it wasn't even a high-sodium meal). Now that I know being pregnant has made me more susceptable to sodium-related water retention, I'm keeping an eye on it!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Wish I knew some answers. I am eating around 1800 or less a day and I am still gaining weight like crazy. I am 11wks1day and am up about 4-4.5 lbs. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day so I am hoping to see a different number than this morning ( I was up 6lbs this morning, not sure how in the world how cause I ate pretty healthy and exercised, I am guessing its from lack of sleep(sick child) and a belated bowel movement. LOL)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm around the same for maint. calories- I try to eat my exercise calories back too.

    I know you said your little one is only 10 ounces but think of everything else you have going on in your body. Your blood volume has almost doubled by now, you're retaining water (it may be a lot or a little), there's a lot more fluid in your body too. I'm sure I'm missing some things here.

    I think if you eat right and stay active, you are going to be fine. Ask your doctor next visit. He might not bring it up but let him know your concerns and I'm sure that will help. My dr's biggest advice is portion control. This pregnancy isn't an excuse to go to town on everything in site- eat your ice cream and donuts but have one serving, not 12. :)

    I hope this helps. I think you look great and should keep up the good work. Healthy foods for a healthy baby :)
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    don't have much to add but to say you are not alone. i think i could have typed your entry myself :) hang in there. we are all going to come out of this on the other side- healthy, fit mamas, in due time :)
  • katkada
    katkada Posts: 35 Member
    Glad you posted this topic!!! i feel so on the rocks about it .....I feeled pushed to eat less and then feel guilty to eat more :ohwell:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    looks like I am in the same boat as you, I am 14 wks and gained 7lbs. Glad you posted your stats.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    looks like I am in the same boat as you, I am 14 wks and gained 7lbs. Glad you posted your stats.

    I hope yours is a little more steady than mine! I will update the rest to see how I compare!

    Currently up 22lbs, I officially weigh in on Wednesdays.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    ah glad you posted your measurements. Looks like I am beating you with weight gain LOL

    15wks and I am at 8.6lbs gain here are my stats:

    5wks: 124.0
    6: +1.6
    7: +2.1
    8: +2.6
    9: +3.5
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member

    Here is my update!! Mine was good in the beginning and obviously shot way up when I would gain 3lbs in some weeks! Good luck with your gaining :)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I am a really firm believer in not eating exercise calories back, so I don't even log the exercise I do. At this point, it's pretty little anyway (walking around the city with my dog, pre-natal yoga, swimming) and light. Back in 2005 (way before I got pregnant), I used to weigh 232. Over the course of two years, I lost over 80 pounds and kept it off. Anyway, as you could imagine, there were plateaus. At the time I was doing Weight Watchers and working out with a personal trainer. Both of them, separately, looked at what I was doing, and said to stop eating back the calories I was burning in the gym because I probably wasn't burning as much as I thought I was. It was pretty much the most useful advice I got to keep losing weight, and later to keep it off.

    I am totally struggling with you here in my pregnancy. (I gained 9 pounds in the first 9 weeks.) But I have pretty much halted my weight gain by doing maintenance for my current weight (159). I try to stay exactly within those calories or not average more than 300/day over. Doing that (and not counting my exercise calories) has helped me only gain 2 pounds over the last 9 weeks (for a total of 11 pounds at 18 weeks).

    I know we're all different, but since it's working for me, I just wanted to share this hoping it might help.

  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I am a really firm believer in not eating exercise calories back, so I don't even log the exercise I do. At this point, it's pretty little anyway (walking around the city with my dog, pre-natal yoga, swimming) and light. Back in 2005 (way before I got pregnant), I used to weigh 232. Over the course of two years, I lost over 80 pounds and kept it off. Anyway, as you could imagine, there were plateaus. At the time I was doing Weight Watchers and working out with a personal trainer. Both of them, separately, looked at what I was doing, and said to stop eating back the calories I was burning in the gym because I probably wasn't burning as much as I thought I was. It was pretty much the most useful advice I got to keep losing weight, and later to keep it off.

    I am totally struggling with you here in my pregnancy. (I gained 9 pounds in the first 9 weeks.) But I have pretty much halted my weight gain by doing maintenance for my current weight (159). I try to stay exactly within those calories or not average more than 300/day over. Doing that (and not counting my exercise calories) has helped me only gain 2 pounds over the last 9 weeks (for a total of 11 pounds at 18 weeks).

    I know we're all different, but since it's working for me, I just wanted to share this hoping it might help.


    Hi there, I don't eat back all mine either. I currently eat 1800 give or take and still gaining weight. I have an HRM and if I have a high calorie burn for the day, I will eat back half of them. Every woman is different with weight gain. I too have lost 70lbs and kept it off. I started this pregnancy off at a lower weight and I think maybe my body is just adding the cushion it needs for the baby. I am 5'5 with a current weight 132ish. I am still exercising daily and eat super healthy. Rarely anything processed or restaurant food. SO I am doing everything "right", my body will just do what it needs at this point. I am 15weeks pregnant with almost 9lb gain.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    2300 seems like a lot for maintenance. Has your lifestyle changed? Are you less active in day to day than before? Also to remember....everyone gains during pregnancy at a different rate.

    She is tall so this actually seems like the correct number
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am a really firm believer in not eating exercise calories back, so I don't even log the exercise I do. At this point, it's pretty little anyway (walking around the city with my dog, pre-natal yoga, swimming) and light. Back in 2005 (way before I got pregnant), I used to weigh 232. Over the course of two years, I lost over 80 pounds and kept it off. Anyway, as you could imagine, there were plateaus. At the time I was doing Weight Watchers and working out with a personal trainer. Both of them, separately, looked at what I was doing, and said to stop eating back the calories I was burning in the gym because I probably wasn't burning as much as I thought I was. It was pretty much the most useful advice I got to keep losing weight, and later to keep it off.

    I am totally struggling with you here in my pregnancy. (I gained 9 pounds in the first 9 weeks.) But I have pretty much halted my weight gain by doing maintenance for my current weight (159). I try to stay exactly within those calories or not average more than 300/day over. Doing that (and not counting my exercise calories) has helped me only gain 2 pounds over the last 9 weeks (for a total of 11 pounds at 18 weeks).

    I know we're all different, but since it's working for me, I just wanted to share this hoping it might help.


    thanks for the suggestions. My only thought is that I was maintaining my weight at 2000 calories with eating the majority of exercise calories back. Now I'm eating aroudn 2300 calories, but am gaining way more than 1/2 to 1 lb per week currently. I would rather gain a little more weight than not nourish my baby enough though :) And I rarely eat just to eat, I'm hungry probably 90% of the time I eat...except for maybe my sweet indulgences :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    need to bump this up under my topics. lol. here's an update

    5wks: 124.0
    6: +1.6
    7: +2.1
    8: +2.6
    9: +3.5
    15: +9.2
    16: +9.5
    17: +9.9
    18: +10.9