Wednesday Weigh In - WEEK 4 (1 MONTH WOO)

115perfection Posts: 109 Member
Heres the new wednesday weigh in page I hope you're all kicking BUTT


  • piperpooh
    piperpooh Posts: 15
    Hi Everybody-- I'm working a night shift, but weighed in before I left so I will add in now :)

    CSW: 169
    LWW: 164
    CW: 162
    LO: 2
    TLO: 7:heart:

    So excited!! Really hoping to get into the 150s by mid July for my vacation (then STAY there and not gain in all back in one week!) I am really happy with my loss this past month. I'd love to lose 20-25lbs by the end of the challenge so I am basically on track.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    CSW: 196
    LWW: 191
    CW: 188.4
    LO: 2.6
    TLO: 7.6
  • sshouq
    sshouq Posts: 7 Member
    Height: 5'7" 
    SW: 143 lbs 
    GW: 121 - 125 lbs 

    LW: 140.2 lbs 
    CW: 138.45
    LO: 1.75 lbs 
    TLO: 4.55 lbs :)
  • Flyjsh
    Flyjsh Posts: 24
    Challenge Starting Weight: 215
    Last Weeks Weight: 205
    Current Weight: 202
    Loss Of: 3
    Total Loss Of: 13
  • carramel0705
    carramel0705 Posts: 183 Member
    CSW: 198.7
    LWW: 197.8
    CW: 194.9
    LO: 2.9
    TLO: 3.8
  • alan623
    alan623 Posts: 17 Member
    CSW: 192
    LWW: 190
    CW: 189
    LO: 1
    TLO: 3
  • TiaLang
    TiaLang Posts: 8 Member
    CSW: 154 LB
    LWW: 152 LB
    CW: 151 LB
    LO: 1 LB
    TLO: 3 LB
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    CSW: 187.2
    LWW: 185.2
    CW: 182.8
    LO: 2.4
    TLO: 4.4

    I started C25K this week along with finishing up 30DS. I really saw a difference in weight loss this week compared to the past weeks!
    Now if I can continue like this! :happy:
  • wafflesandiron
    wafflesandiron Posts: 15 Member
    HT 5'2"
    HW 175
    SW 157
    CW 155
    GW 125

    I lost another pound! Finally, after 2 weeks of not losing. That makes 2 pounds in my first month. It's not as much as I would have liked, and my weight went up and down a lot, but I think I have the motivation now to step it up a bit.

    *Something that seems to be working for me is replacing my 10am snack with an iced coffee (I add a bit of soy milk and sugar free syrup to make it a treat). It keeps me from getting peckish before lunch and has reduced my calorie intake a lot this past week.
  • CSW: 184
    LWW: 181
    CW: 180
    LO: 1
    TLO: 4
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    CSW: 299.8
    LWW: 287.4
    CW: 283.8
    LO: 3.5
    TLO: 15.9
  • lrapp28
    lrapp28 Posts: 77 Member
    CSW 297
    LWW 294.5
    CW 289 -5.5lbs

    Loss of 5.5lbs feels so much better then last weeks gain of 1.5. Just proves that one bad week is not a trend
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    CSW: 208.8
    CW: 199.2
    LO: .1
    TLO: 9.6

    Not too happy -- but technically I've lost 10 pounds in a month so...that's not bad :)

    I hope everyone has a great week and gets started on their July goals !
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    CSW: 169
    LWW: 166
    LO: +0.6
    TLLO: 2.4

    :explode: I need to work harder.
  • kamanda85
    kamanda85 Posts: 113 Member
    CSW: 180
    LWW: 172
    CW: 171.6
    LO: .4
    TLO: 8.4

    I feel good about my weight loss this month- but I'm starting 30 ds July 1 and hoping to see a real loss in inches!
  • loricap
    loricap Posts: 23 Member
    CSW: 289
    LWW: 278
    CW: 276
    LO: 2
    TLO: 13
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    CSW: 242.5
    LWW: 235.5
    CW: 231.5
    LO: 4
    TLO: 11

    Keep up the great work everyone..we will all be at 30 before you know it
  • right2b
    right2b Posts: 93 Member
    CSW: 160
    LWW: 151
    CW: 149
    LO: 2
    TLO: 11
  • CSW: 257
    LWW: 248.7
    CW: 245.8
    LO: 2.9
    TLO: 11.2

    Woohoo!! Almost halfway to my goal :)
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    CSW: 205.8
    LWW: 203
    CW: 200.4
    LO: 2.6
    TLO: 5.4
  • Vidyak
    Vidyak Posts: 7 Member
    CSW: 179.0
    LWW: 173.0
    CW: 167.7
    LO: 5.3
    TLO: 11.6
  • mongohungry1
    mongohungry1 Posts: 19 Member
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    CSW: 280.0 (June 7th)
    LWW: 269.8
    CW: 269.3
    LO: 0.5 :grumble:
    TLO: 10.7

    Off the pace considerably this week. Since my calorie in/out ratios have continued to be good all week, and I've been exercising quite a bit, I think that my "real" loss is higher than that. I know when starting an intense workout regimen that happens is the muscles that are being highly stressed retain some fluid as they repair themselves to the new, stronger form. I suspect that is what has caused my loss to slow considerably, so I hope that I'll make it up a bit in the coming weeks as my body adjusts to the new regimen.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    Hi New to the group, so this is my first weigh in, I started in MFP 2 weeks ago and I weighed 80 Kg (175lb)
    Initial Weigh In: 80 Kg
    Today: 78 kg
    Lost: 4lb
    Happy week to everyone :smile:
  • CSW: 204
    LWW: 197
    CW: 194
    LO: 3
    TLO: 10
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    CSW: 150
    LWW: 146
    CW: 146

    No loss this week.
  • LiveforChange
    LiveforChange Posts: 115 Member
    WEEK1: 6/6 193
    WEEK2:6/13 Didnt weigh myself was on vac.
    WEEK3:6/20 195
    WEEK4:6/27 195

    Stayed the same
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
  • finally79
    finally79 Posts: 21 Member
    CSW: 206
    LWW: 205
    CW: 204
    LO: -1
    TLO: -2
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Height: 5'4" 
    SW: 192 lbs 
    GW: 135 lbs 

    LW: 191 lbs 
    CW: 188
    LO: 3 lbs 
    TLO: 4 lbs (net)

    My goal for next weigh-in is 2 lbs.