Team 6



  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Awesome!!! I haven't entered mine for today but it was just 5k and gymnastics. We should definately get a relay in all of the running events.

    I'm personally aiming for 10 different events which would have me doing at least a few activities that I don't normally do.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    oh yeah, we do need a name. Any ideas anyone?
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I just looked at all of our diaries to see what else we have in common (except Aprils, its closed) and noticed we all ate cake this week. How about The Cake Eaters or Will Run For Cake or anything else about cake.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Teammates did I offend you about the cake?? Certainly not intended. We are doing great overall. If we can get some relays in I think we have a great chance of winning. Tomorrow evening I'm going to see how I do with a 10m bike ride!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    lol not offended!

    I didn't get my long run in today, but did do a cycle and a 10k run, with some intervals added in.

    We're doing pretty well, I think!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    meerkat you're a machine!

    I just got my #$(% kicked in 1:1 basketball by my son. I'm going to claim it's because he's 9 inches taller than me!

    Funny, he's keeping up with our team on the challenge and said I threw so many cheap elbow shots that he thought I was warming up for archery next.
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    I like the cake eaters. We have our cake and eat it, too! Sorry, mine is closed. Let me know if you think there is a thing or more that everyone but me has done. I'll try and get on it. Sorry no horses unless you can think of solid alternate. This is a great idea. I am so glad I am in. And especially on such a spectacular team. You are awesome cake eating (or whatever is decided) machines!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Cake Eaters! We really are doing well as a team. Hopefully we'll get some relays in before it's over.

    This challenge has already helped me try new things. I'm not a fan of cycling but when I get to the gym early for a class instead of getting on the Elliptical I've gone on the bike. Definitely not the same as biking 12 miles to work like Meerkat but it's something :).

    Starting tomorrow I will be traveling for 9 days and not to my usual places so I'm anxious about not having planned my workouts. I'm sure I'll get a few runs in and then I'll see what kind of equipment the hotels have. I'll be 6 days chaperoning my son's baseball team and then 3 days of business travel in 3 different states. Wish me luck, Vicki
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Been a bit of a busy week for me, so mostly just short runs midweek.. I did get to the gym today, and assuming my knee / hip are a little better tomorrow, I should get out for my long run.
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    3 10Ks to add tomorrow
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Sorry, I've been rubbish the last few days - I've done some walking, which I'll add in now, but not much else. Work has been killer, and I've also had a sore hip and knee I've been nursing.

    But I'm going out tomorrow for a run, so things should get moving again.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've added in today's 10 mile run, and a few other bits and pieces from this week. Hopefully that will help us up the charts at little.

    I have a race on Saturday, so won't run tomorrow, but will run 10k on Saturday, and a long run on Sunday.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    How's everyone getting on?

    Just added all yesterday and today's stuff - haven't been online much as work pressure is uge, and will stay this way for the next week or so. I'm away on conference for a lot of next week and the week after but I'm taking my running shoes! :-) I've even offered to organise a 5km run for the conference the week after next... :-D
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It doesn't seem to have added stuff from t'other day either, so I'm going to add them - hopefully not duplicating, but it doesn't seem to have shown up at all, judging from the individual medals thingummy.
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    My goodness cake eaters! What a surge! Weathers, Vic and Meer, you are fantastic. Keep it up.
    I hope to step into higher gear. I have been through devastion. I am not ready to dump that full info on anyone here. I have a great network of loving friends and family who are great support daily. Know that you are inspiration to me and are helping keep me active which is helping me get through. Thanks for that and thanks for listening; now let's get back at it! :)
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    I see everyone else has done a 10k run. I will do this weekend and also cycling. I swim on weekend mornings, too. We can get some hefty relay points. See chart. I should just hush up and do it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Really sorry to hear things have been tough April - I hope things start to get better for you.

    I'll do a 6 miler tomorrow, and I'll get to the pool with the small girl, if I possibly can.
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi All sorry I've been quiet I got work woes.

    Anyway lots of mileage to report 50 this week before I'm done and I've added all mine up to date.

    Hope that helps.

    I'll keep in contact next week.

    I've a race on Sunday 8th so I'll ease off abit Fri Sat.

    Should be good for another 3o though

    Tim (Weathers)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Is that your 10k race, Tim?

    I've got my half next week (also on the 8th) so I'm afraid I'll also be slowing down a bit this week.
  • aprilroh
    aprilroh Posts: 9 Member
    Did my 10k today! First half it was drizzling then raining, but I knew i wanted to do it anyway. Yay. Bonus points for cake eaters. We cake eaters are tough cookies.