How is everyone doing so far?



  • shea14shea
    shea14shea Posts: 18

    Fiber & water help me tons. At the very least, it gets rid of the gargage.

    Oh, and I had a Big Mac last Saturday. Not gonna stress :-)

    Yeah, I was taking fiber, I just need a better way to take it, I can't stomach the awful drinks. Any suggestions? I watch my fiber in my food log, I try to make sure my breakfast and lunch have a lot of fiber. I know I need to drink more water, I just forget, which is odd because all I drink is coffee, herbal tea, or water.
  • eyeongoal
    eyeongoal Posts: 4
    I really blew it yesterday, potluck at work. Started out good then ended up eating cake!! It hit me hard how much I want to lose this weight and I blew it badly yesterday!! This morning started back on track, having a great day and even took a brisk walk! I signed up for a beginners class with a personal trainer, challenged a friend to weight lose for reward of shopping trip! Also shared website with a friend and scheduled zumba workout with the friend! More determined to succeed!!!!!
  • FlyingNunley
    FlyingNunley Posts: 18 Member
    I lost 2.3 lbs this week and finally passed the 10lbs loss mark! I can fit into a size 12 again!(down from a 14)

    I've taken a successful weight-loss friend's advice and added more regularity to my diet: Same breakfast, salad for lunch, two snacks of fruit/veggies and change-up what I eat for dinner as my husband loves to cook. over the last two weeks I've been aiming for 20g of fiber per day and more than 8 cups of water.

    I was also doing an elimnination fitness challenge that is coming to a close. The weekly workout challenges helped me stay motivated.
  • ruksha123
    ruksha123 Posts: 42 Member
    Unfortunately no weight loss this week:ohwell:
    I think because I had too much fruit (I did not want it to go bad so had to eat a lot of fruit on my own) so I went over my calories I think pretty much everyday apart from 1 or 2 days.

    I have however increased the number of sit ups I can do and are 1/3 rd of the way through of doing 250:smile:

    I will have to get started on the elliptical machine and do some interval training to boost my weight loss and be very careful with food and calories next week.

    Good luck everyone
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I'm only down half a pound this week, but I'm actually happy about that. I would normally be up a few due to water retention, thanks to TOM, so a half pound loss is thrilling! I know my body will make up for it very soon and the weight will continue to drop.
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm considering skipping weighing in..I'm.currently taking antibiotics and not feeling well at all..hopefully once this is all over I can get back to my routine..
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Didn't weigh in this morning, will do tomorrow. Moved this weekend. It's was very hot, didn't eat proper, etc. I know I'm retaining a ton of water - I can't tell where my ankles are!!!!! Between the heat and not enough water...... Hopefully this week will be better, things will be not as hectic.
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    I have been doing alot better and I think that it has to do with I had the "aha" moment last Thursday when I was sitting on my couch feeling sorry for myself. Since then I am on track exercising and eating right. I just hope and pray that I stick this out and see it through this time.