29th June Weigh in - ONLY LOG HERE PLEASE :)

Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
Hi all,

Not good news for me....

172.4lb... 1.2lbs up from last week! :( Im hoping its due to the TOM.

Good luck to everyone else :) x


  • Furbuster
    Furbuster Posts: 254 Member
    147 pounds - no change. Eaten healthily this week so am not too fussed x
  • KimmerzB
    KimmerzB Posts: 37
    Hi everyone, just weighted in this morning and still stuck at 148...time to get serious and I'm ready!!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    165 lbs., but I have swelling in my leg. :( But happy I am maintaining my weight. :)
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    138.5lbs so nearly 1lb lost! Really pleased with that as had one bad slip up day! Good luck and keep going everyone! :)
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    151...so 1 pound...but I've been at 151 now since Monday (I just finished a challenge and Monday was the last day so I weighed-in twice this week lol). Hopefully the scale moves again this week!
  • jacque930
    jacque930 Posts: 122 Member
    Down 1 lb from last week. 161.2. Had an ok week. Need to work on doing more cardio over the next week and maybe I will finally break that 160's mark.
  • I didn't do so well. It's my fault though I ate a little more sugar and sodium than I should the last 2 days. I promise to do better!

    June 29: 217 (+1 pound)
  • ok Im trippin! I guess I lost a pound even though I ate bad 2 days in a row. I'm still kicking myself though because if I would have ate good I might have lost more.
  • russ1220
    russ1220 Posts: 58
    Well, I would be overly excited except I think my begining weight wasn't accurate.

    Today my home scale says 165, that would be 5lb down. My first weigh in I recorded was from the doctors manual scale.

    So this week will be the breaker, going by my home scale alone. I feel I lost but doubt if it was 5lb in 1 week.

    Everyone keep up the good work, every little bit counts! :smile:
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    :heart: :drinker: Down 2lbs last week and 1lb this week 43lbs with MFP ahh
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Good job so far, everyone! I hear some good weight loss and some plateaus. Some of you who are plateauing and are exercising well are still loosing fat, and simply replacing it with muscle, which weighs more. Measure your body (periodically), so you don't get discouraged.

    We can hope I'm a trend starter! I was plateauing for a bit, and even went back up a little to 159 right as we started this challenge. Today I'm down to ... tah dah!!! ... 156.6, my lowest in some time! (And that loss is with careful exercising -- my knee is still painful, and has been in a brace since March! And I eat -- a lot!)
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    Starting weight last week: 273.8

    I weighed in this morning at: 268.8

    I am only the second week on my diet, but I think I can attribute the weight loss to eating as clean as possible and really limiting my sodium as much as possible (do to health issues). We will see how this week goes!

    Have a great weekend everyone :happy:
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 208 Member
    bad news for me as well had a bad couple of days .........188.8 :cry:
  • skyewatts
    skyewatts Posts: 9 Member
    Had a pretty good week, down to 136.6 this morning which would be about a pound and a half! Really learned this week that when I do get the walks in at night the weight comes off, almost no matter how well I eat! I had surgery on my wrist at the end of May and am starting to be able to put some weight on it again so Im hoping to be able to do some pilates in the morning with walks at night. Good luck everyone and dont let a small weight gain or plateu discourage you!
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    Still at 141. No change this week. Could it be my AWFUL diet? Gonna try to change it up for next week and see if I can eat a little better.
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    Starting weight last week: 273.8

    I weighed in this morning at: 268.8

    I am only the second week on my diet, but I think I can attribute the weight loss to eating as clean as possible and really limiting my sodium as much as possible (do to health issues). We will see how this week goes!

    Have a great weekend everyone :happy:
    Awesome job!
  • Fab4life1
    Fab4life1 Posts: 31 Member

    Weight 6/22 - 182.2 lbs.
    Weight 6/29 - 180.6 lbs.

    1.6 lbs. lost! I'm so excited...considering I went to an impromptu BBQ last night and while I didn't fall off wagon, I ate something I probably should have passed on. The journey continues! Good luck to all :smile:
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    Starting weight last week: 273.8

    I weighed in this morning at: 268.8

    I am only the second week on my diet, but I think I can attribute the weight loss to eating as clean as possible and really limiting my sodium as much as possible (do to health issues). We will see how this week goes!

    Have a great weekend everyone :happy:
    Awesome job!

    Thanks! I actually meant to type 268.6 (thank you to the wonderful help from my 2 year old in typing my numbers, lol)
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Weighed 188 this morning.....im in a rut!!! I want out!
  • Stephy_LP
    Stephy_LP Posts: 20
    Down 3 pounds :) 289.4! It has been so hard, but having a friend to workout with has been great! I believe in us all! Feel free to add me :) We're in this together!