New to MFP

Hi all, I'm new to MFP . I'm a Breastfeeding mom of a 3 month old son and have a 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage. I turn 40 this October and really want to , no need to, lose quite a bit of weight. I want to be able to keep up with my son as he grows . I need all the encouragement I can get. My biggest downfall is trying to keep track and find the time to exercise starting about September-December as that is my really really busy time with work.


  • ash386
    ash386 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm new too. I am breastfeeding my 2 month old daughter and I also have a three year old daughter. I have only been using MFP for a week, but I am used to tracking as I used to be on WW. I think the hardest thing is sticking with it - I would get too relaxed about tracking as time passed. I am trying to fit back in my pre pregnancy clothes and then lose additional weight. Really motivated at this time in my life to get in shape and improve health overall. My downfall is making myself exercise in this horrible Louisiana summertime heat. But I am trying of take my toddler swimming at a family member's house a few times a week. Once your son is older, you will get extra exercise chasing him around : ) My 3-year-old keeps me moving.

    I really like this app and today I discovered that if you are using it on your phone, you can set it up to remind you to track your food. That may be helpful to you. And maybe you can find a friend at work who is also trying to lose weight and stay active, to keep you going during the end of the year. Good luck!
  • SParksTN
    SParksTN Posts: 2
    Thanks ash386, I totally understand about the heat as it's been over 100 here. I was hoping to stroll him as an exercise, but he gets too hot too easily especially in this weather. Thanks for the info about the reminder as I have the app on my phone too. Unfortunately or fortunately in most cases I work for myself so no coworkers to walk with.