Woman who are 5'10 weights about 215?

Would love to see before and after pics for some motiviation~~~


  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 5'11 1/2 and started at 212.2. I now weight 192.2.

    20 pds lost!

    I don't have any pictures up, but I will say I have dropped from a 14 to a 12, and now wear Large instead of XL shirts. My joints don't hurt anymore, I have more energy. I lost a belt loop. People are starting to notice my weight loss. Normal people probably think I've lost 5 pounds or something, but it is that much harder when you are this tall!

    I started April 24, 2012. So I have been doing this for 8 weeks. I have my ticker set to lose 1.5 pds a week, but I have been averaging 2.5 pds. I think it is because of the height and how much there is to lose. I am about half way there.

    Feel free to add me if you would like. I am on here every day. And log everything. I am just starting to get into exercising and running and all that stuff. Good luck. This is so totally doable!
  • missygirl0703
    WOW!! Thank you so much!! Your are doing great girl!! Im gonna look at your food diary if you dont mind and get some tips!! I need them! Im still in a 16.. but hopefully will start losing soon!! Yes, being tall like this is very awkard but I just love it when people have noticed your weight loss.. It just builds my motiviation up!!! Well, I will talk to you later girlie!! Thanks agian!!
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I started at 175, went all the way down to 140 and then had some life changes that took me back up to 160. I loved the 40's and my actual goal was 130, but I had a ton of people telling me to stop losing weight... lol. I'll try and get some before/after pics up.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I'm 6' and thrilled to be down to 215 from a high of 296. I would still like to lose another 50 lbs to get to 165.
  • missygirl0703
    Thanks!! You look GREAT!! I need to follow your routine's!! lol
  • mummabee
    mummabee Posts: 16
    Hey hun - Im 5'11 and have just hit the 210 mark, down from about 260lb.....only looking to lose another stone and a half as i know i felt and looked good then and a size 14. I got G cups so never going to be tiny!! lol x
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm only 5 9" but I started off at 213 in Jan and am now 173. I'm not done yet, but here's a post I put in the success story area a while ago. Before and after pictures included:-)

    Good luck to you!

  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'11" and have been stuck at 223 for the past month. I've lost about 45 pounds, 30 since I joined here in February. I have a before picture in my profile pics, it's the one in the striped skirt. Everything else on there is recent.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    Hi there!

    I am about 6 feet tall and I started getting serious about losing weight last year when I hit around 238lbs. I joined a gym and lost about 20lbs that way, and then joined MFP in April and I've lost about 20 more since then. I am currently about 196lbs. I would like to weigh 165lbs, but there is a good chance that I may stop in the 170s because I've been strength training too and I'm pretty large framed and have a lot of muscle mass and big boobs. I have gone from a size 18 to a LOOSE size 14 and from an XXL in shirts to just a L.

    October 2011 (probably about 235 here)

    June 2012 (about 199 here)

    Also, to throw a wildcard into the mix, here is a pic of me at age 18 at my lowest adult life weight of 170ish (I'm the hot cop.) I lost all of my weight in a pretty unhealthy way and I think I don't look much bigger now than I did then, simply because I do strength training. Here I was a size 9 in jeans and a M/L in shirts.

  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I found this website- maybe it would help..just to give you an idea of what different body types look like..


    Hope it helps!