Day 3 - Do it ANYWAY!

Fattack Posts: 666 Member
You may not always want to do something in life, but you do it because it's important - going to work, visiting family, doing your tax forms! Apply this attitude to your fitness and exercise plan and you will go much further than anticipated. Again, this helps you become committed, rather than just interested.

Today's challenge:

In your diet or exercise plan, identify a task you don't feel like doing, and then do it anyway!
Notice how it feels to accomplish a goal by taking a "no matter what" approach to it - and post about it!
Post a list of actions you plan to stick with today, regardless of how you feel at the moment.


  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Today, I don't want to go to the gym. I have no food in the house, and my first meal of the day will be when my boyfriend gets home after work, so then I'll have to eat, wait half an hour to digest, and then go - and I hate going to the gym in the evenings here in Holland (naturally, it's busier after people finish work, and my Dutch is terrible so I feel very nervous). I'm also pretty hungry, so I'm very likely to slack off and not go. But I'm really going to try to go anyway.

    Ranting aside, that's the action I will stick with today. Oh, and drinking 6 glasses of water.
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    A Task I Don't Feel Like Doing...

    Today, I really don't feel like going to my Spinning Class after work. I'm aching from my workout yesterday and it means I'll have to shower and do my hair and make up at the gym (bright lights, cold showers, yuck...) before going out to meet my friends for dinner. But I'm going to do it anyway :)

    Accomplishing A Goal...

    Yesterday, I went for a fast 30 minute run with my Running Club, then headed to the gym for an hour of Circuit Training. I honestly nearly threw up towards the end of the session, but I'm so glad I stuck with it! The feeling of accomplishment as I walked home was amazing, and to top it all off, my Running Coach said I was doing really well and looked like I'd lost loads of weight :D

    My List Of Actions...

    So today, I'm going to:
    + Stick to my meal plan: it's boring because I'm going out to dinner and so I need to get all my protein early in the day (as there were no healthy, high protein veggie options at the place we're going.) But I'm going to do it, no matter what.
    + Go to my Spinning Class, even though I could really do without the hassle today.
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Wow this is a hard one for me today as i already have my workout planned for today. I will do NROL4W tonight.

    I guess i need to go shopping for food and do the yoga i didnt do yesterday. So thats my plan!

    edit: I have just decided to go and walk to the supermarket with 2 bags and carry them home instead of going on the bike
  • Carol_s
    Carol_s Posts: 73
    My plan for today was to go to my personal training session and run further than last time and also to ask to increase my sessions to twice a week.

    Accomplishing a Goal
    I went to my session ran further than last time and will be increasing my sessions to twice a week as well as doing other training on my own twice a week.

    I'm really enjoying the sessions, they are hard work, but so worth it. Taking the plunge and getting to the gym is a huge accomplishment in its self for me :D

    Keep up all the great work everyone xx
  • Today I woke up exhausted, after a bad night of broken sleep. My scales still said the same thing they've said for 13 weeks. I didn't want to go to Body Pump before work... but I did it anyway :)
  • kimannabella
    kimannabella Posts: 31 Member
    A Task I Don't Feel Like Doing; Today I was going to add my dance conditioning and walk into my exercise routine. But I am worried about my back/knee's. I was told I was healed enough to start dance in spring, but I still feel twinges and I know my piriformis is still in an odd way, anytime I've done legwork in pilates on the side I had sciatica I've felt it squeeze .

    I have stuck to to insanity for 4 days (including fit test) and I've had no drastic muscle aches and pains.

    My plan of action for today is to go ahead and add in my dance. and walk I suppose. I have to go to my doctor to pick up a perscription and that's 45 minutes from my house I shall get the headphones on and work it out.
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    This one´s kind of hard, because I´m still really motivated, but I ate ½ a piece of chocolate today, so I guess I´m going with logging that :) Have to do it, but I´m also doing a long walk tonight, so I´m sure I´ll burn it off.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    A Task I Don't Feel Like Doing: Mine is the same every day! I dread exercise. I love doing it once I get going and I love the feeling afterwards I just dread getting started. Today I will do my workout even though I dread it! ;)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    A task I don't feel like doing.
    At the moment we are living literally slap bang between two building sites. Both sets of workers start at 7.30 am. I know this isn't early for a lot of people but it is for us so we wake up very sleepy every morning.
    I never feel like getting up and doing my exercising while hubby gets to stay in bed another hour. But boy! Do I feel great when I've finished and the sweat is pouring off me as I jump in the shower!!
    So this counts as a task I never feel like doing, never mind just today!! Lol!
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    Today a task I don't feel like doing is pretty much everything....for some reason even though I went to bed at 12am, I couldn't fall asleep until 7:30am, and even then I only slept 2 hours total before getting up at 10am. However, I am going to put on my big girl pants, and look for work, clean the house (over an hour of housework, yeah burning calories), and take a 3 1/2 mile hike with my HRM so I can figure out how many calories I actually burn, and I am going to log my food. I have been slacking off with that for the last few weeks and as a result I have been losing and gaining back the same 4 pounds for the last month. I really want to just lose and not gain it back! We can do this!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Just got back from the gym - from my first cardio session in FOREVER. The first 15 minutes were really hard, but afterwards I felt like I was getting into the swing of things. Feel really great now (and tired). I'm doing a variant of the c25k but with an elliptical as I have bad knees so am prohibited from running. Hopefully it will help get my fitness back to where it was!
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    okay, so... I didn't meet my goal with my big walk...My missing a night of sleep made my day all messed that I had wierd sleep all day today (2 hours at a time spread out over all day) meant I got most of what I meant to do accomplished....but not everything....but, that is okay I will do it again tomorrow!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Well done tho for going to the gym Fa and getting your housework done Healermoon. We might not get everything done... i didnt do the yoga i wanted to do as i ran out of time. But doing at least some of the things is great! Keep it up!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Well done tho for going to the gym Fa and getting your housework done Healermoon. We might not get everything done... i didnt do the yoga i wanted to do as i ran out of time. But doing at least some of the things is great! Keep it up!

    Exactly - sometimes things come up! And as long as people are posting in the challenge threads you still get credit for participating in the day's challenge :) Your commitment is inspiring Anna, you'll make it up another day :)
  • trimNslim
    trimNslim Posts: 31 Member
    as i have not been able to get on here all week, i am writing all of these posts now...i am going to the gym tonight, which i have also pledged in day 2's post :)

    I dont normally go on a friday night, but i will today!