TIps, What to Expect, etc.

My surgery is next Tuesday. There are lots of people here who've already had the sleeve done. I know what to expect from listening to my doctor and reading packet upon packet of information, but I'd rather here from some people who have it done. Any tips, what to expect, or anything else you think I should know. I'm excited, but nervous just about having surgery in general...being put to sleep, complications, etc. Thanks and I appreciate your time and response!! Love from Kentucky!!


  • Greetings: My VSG surgery date was 11/08/11. Pre-op diet weight 303/CW 195/GW 165. Surgeon/hospital: Christopher Northup, Mercy Hospital Fairfield. I came through the surgery just fine, but had to stay in the hospital 2 extra days because of nausea. I was told that 1 in 5 patients will experience nausea. Lucky me. :o)

    Once I started back on normal foods, I couldn't stand the texture of meat, so I ate shrimp and fish. The guidelines that my dietician gave me on calories, fat, carbs, and sugar are what I stick with. I read nutrition labels and log my food. Which I believe is vital to staying on track. At the 3 month mark, I started exercising on a daily basis, which helps tremendously with weight loss.

    I do not regret having the surgery, it has made my quality of life so much better. Not to mention, shopping is fun now ... I've gone from 26/28/4X (women's plus size) to 16/XL (misses).

    I hope your surgery goes well and you will have a successful weight loss journey.

    Dee Dee
  • donsdee
    donsdee Posts: 8
    congratulations on your decision to have a gastric sleeve. It has been an amazing thing in my life and only wish i had done it sooner. It was a little rough after surgery. I had a hernia repair and had a little complication with bleeding and dropping blood pressure so I don' remember much of the first night. The gas pains were rough especially up in my shoulder. the more you can be up and walking and get rid of the gas the better you will feel. My hospital stay was 4 days instead of the expected 2 but it was ok. Dont be afraid to ask for pain meds. Stick to the plan that your doc/nutritionist planned for you. The first week the main thing is to keep hydrated. sip sip sip sip after that you need to make sure you get your protein in. The best thing that has helped me is keeping honest and documenting my food, water, and exercise here on MFP. The support here is amazing Best of luck and feel free to private message if you have other wuestions hope this helps
  • sd515
    sd515 Posts: 8
    Hi! I had my VSG in May, and I had a 'textbook' recovery. I was out of the hospital in two days, up and walking with no problem, and no nausea, very little gas pain. My doctor did prescribe a scopalamine patch for me to wear before surgery and three days afterwards to prevent nausea. Maybe see if your doc can do this. I was given muscle relaxers and vicodin for after surgery, and I took some of the vicodin to stay on top of the pain. Throat was sore, abdomen was sore. I thought I would never be able to get in so much liquid. It was daunting, but i was able to drink without pain in about 4 days. Go very slow! Did not wear the abdominal binder as i was allergic to it, and it gave me a rash. Back to work 2 weeks post op. I feel like a new woman, with loads of energy. I would never have felt this good without my sleeve! I have my six week follow up appt. tomorrow, and though I have not lost a bunch of weight (28 lbs since surgery), I have seen an improvement in my overall health and ability to move! Please remember that everyone loses at their own pace. I am sometimes a tiny bit discouraged when I see people posting huge numbers in a very short time. However, I have a clear plan and a great tool for the rest of my life. I would do it again in a heart beat! Best of luck to you. Deezy