Diablo 3 - Name, Type, Level and DPS



  • Jimmytwotoes
    24 Witch Doctor
    DPS - no clue
    Act 2, normal mode, just started playing.

    My battle tag is jimmytwotoes#1290
  • Astralserenity
    It won't let me edit my post :/ So my battle tag is Quintessa#1613. I'm always looking for people to do butcher runs or work through inferno with!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    my battletag is cara#1670

    my monk is 60. her name is caelix.

    dps is like 6700? with 1h and a shield. 700 resist.

    my with doctor is azraella
    my wizard is damaris.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I got my Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor to level 32 (one run through the game), but then I got a little bored. I'm sure I'll get back to it soon.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Lvl 21 Demon Hunter
    DPS - 134.86 (dual-wield hand crossbows)
    Act 2, normal mode (just started playing)

    ZombieChaser#1206 :)
  • serasv
    serasv Posts: 56 Member
    Name: Envy
    Class: Wizard
    Level: 39
    Progress: Act 2 Nightmare
    DPS: ~ 550
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    60 act II inferno
    ~30kish dps
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    We can now link to our characters on battle.net.


    My barb.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    My monk is in Act 2 inferno. She has about 35k dps. I'm mostly farming at this point. I still struggle too much with the elites.

    Several other characters on various levels...some storage characters too lol.

    Gametag PinkDragon#1566 (I think lol it's been awhile since I've had to think about it)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I have a level 60 DH in A2 Inferno. I quit the game a few months back however though because I found the gear grind to be too much to bear. I have absolutely no patience for farming.
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    I can't play this.

    I tried downloading it from the Blizzard website and then tried to login - for some reason, Blizzard feel that is 'suspicious behaviour', so they locked my account. I reset the password, confirmed that had worked by logging in to WOW, then tried Diablo3 again - same thing.

    Why Blizzard are suspicious of people trying to login to their games is beyond me. However, twice was enough - I deleted the game.

    Unfortunately, it seems MOP has totally screwed WOW, so not sure what to play next. GW2 does not run on a Mac (not even on Crossover), so I am stuck with EVE Online or STO.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I can't play this.

    I tried downloading it from the Blizzard website and then tried to login - for some reason, Blizzard feel that is 'suspicious behaviour', so they locked my account. I reset the password, confirmed that had worked by logging in to WOW, then tried Diablo3 again - same thing.

    Why Blizzard are suspicious of people trying to login to their games is beyond me. However, twice was enough - I deleted the game.

    Unfortunately, it seems MOP has totally screwed WOW, so not sure what to play next. GW2 does not run on a Mac (not even on Crossover), so I am stuck with EVE Online or STO.

    You should call customer support. They can get the account stuff figured out. They got hacked a couple weeks ago so they freaked out on account stuff
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    I can't play this.

    I tried downloading it from the Blizzard website and then tried to login - for some reason, Blizzard feel that is 'suspicious behaviour', so they locked my account. I reset the password, confirmed that had worked by logging in to WOW, then tried Diablo3 again - same thing.

    Why Blizzard are suspicious of people trying to login to their games is beyond me. However, twice was enough - I deleted the game.

    Unfortunately, it seems MOP has totally screwed WOW, so not sure what to play next. GW2 does not run on a Mac (not even on Crossover), so I am stuck with EVE Online or STO.

    You are - to be totally honest - better off not playing D3. Its not that good and its an over priced, grind that is aimed at just pushing you into the Real Money Auction House so that Blizzard (Activision) can make more money out of you. You should get the much cheaper (and looking better)Torchlight 2 which gives you Torchlight 1 straight away for free download.

    As for GW2, you can run iton a mac using Wine (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_on_Wine), however, I would recommend that you do what I do and dual boot your mac (mine is triple booted), so you can pick Windows (Win 7 will install natively on an intel mac anyway), OSX or even Linux. You will get it working then easy and GW2 is an awesome game. Much, much, much better than D3 and I even enjoyed Torchlight 1 more than D3.

    I've unistalled D3 myself and will never play it or another Blizzard game again.