
Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
I figured as we will be spending 100 days in eachothers company it would be nice to get to know eachother a bit better. So here is the space to share some information about yourself


  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Im Anna, 28 years old and from the netherlands. Ive been an mfp member for over a year and hit maintenance somewhere in march. Ive stayed on here to help me maintain and to help me reach my fitness goals. Ive succeeded on the maintanance, however since i dont need the calories to eat more anymore i find it a lot harder to stay on track with exercise. Hence i joined the challenge.

    Im almost in stage 2 of New rules of lifting, i enjoy running and enjoy doing some yoga at home once in a while. I cycle to work most days but other then that im pretty sedetary. I work as a taxi planner telling drivers where to go and who to pick up. This involves sitting behind a desk pressing keys on a keyboard.

    Im hoping this challenge will help me get more active and find some new likeminded friends!
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    Great initiativ Anna! And Great work on your weight loss!!!

    I´m Lauri - live in Denmark (so we´re not far from each other :) I´m Canadian but am married to a Danish guy...we have 4 kids and I started my weight loss (this time) in May. I´d been off work with stress and realised that I have forgotten to look after myself these past few years. (have a 12 yr. old son who recently was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrom and I have been fighting for him the past 2-3 years - also the reason I got so overworked - trying to maintain a fulltime job, was back at school doing a degree in mangement AND fighting with the schools & social systems to get him psychiatric assesment) Which lead to eating wrong and not exercising! So a weight gain up to 68 kg. Too much when I´m 158 cm!!

    I also have celiac which means I can´t have gluten or any products that have gluten in them.

    I joined this 100 day challenge because I feel more committed with a challenge. And I think it´s fun!!!
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    Great idea. Hello, I'm Cat!

    I'm a 25 year old Events Producer living and working in the beautiful South West of the UK.

    My goal weight is 140 lbs, which means, although I'm 8 lbs down on my starting weight, I'm still carrying 31 lbs too many!

    I do find it fairly easy to lose weight when I put my mind to it - but I tend to be "all or nothing" - either very committed and logging every day, or fallen off the wagon and feeling too guilty to be honest with myself about what I've eaten.

    I'm not seeing my boyfriend for the next two months, so I've given myself this little window to really focus on getting into shape - it's a good distraction from missing him, plus hopefully he'll be AMAZED the next time we meet :)

    I'm also hoping that having this challenge going on in my life will keep me on track, and maybe even thinking about my weight loss in a new way.

    Do feel free to add me as a friend. I have an open diary, am committed to logging every day and always support my MFP contacts 100%.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Stickying this! I actually meant to put one up but totally forgot - thanks Anna!!

    I'm Fa, I'm 27 and I'm British. I moved to Holland last year to live with my boyfriend. I'm only 5'1, so my goal is around 130lbs. I've struggled with my weight since being a teenager. I was extremely active (with dance and swimming particularly) until I was in my mid-teens, but dislocated my knee after 10 years of ballet, which led to a lot of weight gain. I'm also hypermobile (double jointed), which means my joints are a bit wonky and prone to dislocation.

    At my highest weight I was around 210lbs. I lost a lot of weight using the Cambridge Diet and actually kept most of it off. Cambridge interfered with my kidneys, so I came off it, and I lost even more using MFP, and went down to 138 last summer. I was exercising nearly every day and loving it, and loving my gym, so much so that I started a Personal Fitness and Nutrition NVQ and hope to qualify as a trainer by 2013 (I've already passed some of the modules including Nutrition for Weight Loss - so if anybody has any questions about their gym programme or eating, just ask me!). Then I emigrated, and the stress of moving and missing my family, as well as not being able to find work made me quite depressed and I gained a lot of weight since last September, nearly 40lbs, so I'm currently 175lbs, with 45lbs to lose.

    Like Cat, I'm pretty much "all or nothing", so hopefully I'll give it my all, and develop a more balanced attitude to food and exercise :)
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! I am Kendra, 38 years old and at my highest I was 209.8, then over last summer I was really motivated and I went down to 183, however then I was laid off from my job and was unemployed for 6 months, then I found a job but it was SUPER stressful, and I was let go from that one a couple weeks ago. And my weight over the last 9 months has crept back to 199. I am hoping to get down to 115-120ish in the next year. I find it really easy to let my calories slide and to find reasons not to exercise, but mostly haven't been tracking my calories.

    My son is 13 and I want him thinking about eating healthier foods not reaching for the cookie jar every time he wants a snack. I would like my husband (who has gained nearly 100 pounds in the 10 years we have been together) to see me losing weight and join on the band wagon. And most of all...I would like to feel sexier, and not like I am a round blimp. :)

    I joined the challenge because I loved reading Fa's online diary for the 100 day program and it made me wish I could do the same thing.

    I am in southern California, USA. :)


  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I'm Karen, also from the UK, also living in NL. I've been here for 20yrs, so I guess it's home now.

    I've been on MFP since March 11 and have been slowly but steadily (with the exception of a plateau at the beginning of the year) losing since then. So far down 37kg/82lbs, and just today went under BMI of 25 so am no longer considered overweight.

    I've always been big, I lost 16kg to get down to 63kg when I was about 30, but piled it all back on, and some.

    I find it hard to fit in exercise so that's the bit i need most support on from you guys.
  • kimannabella
    kimannabella Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I am Kim, 29 & from Ireland. And an old friend of Fa's from our gigging days. I gained 2 stone due to an injury, as I had to stop weightlifting, pole dancing and belly dancing last september . Am hoping to be 3 stone lighter by this autumn and have something of the level of fitness I had this time last year.

    My mother was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so I am using that, and this challenge as a kick up the bum to get back on track. I have been logging and doing light cardio and pilates all year so I feel healed enough to embark upon my former fitness endeavours.

    Also I am moving in with my long-term, long distance partner in a months time and I want us to start our lives together with me being happy, energetic and strong.
  • christynek
    christynek Posts: 152 Member
    Hey all,

    Late to the party, I know! But 100 days is a long time so oh well. Name's Christy from the US (Iowa). 21 yr old student at university. My summer is kind of hectic as I just got home from New Zealand where I was studying for 6 months, so my weigh ins might be kind of off because I am basically just couch surfing until I get my apt situation all figured out!

    Last summer is when I gained about 20-30 pounds and have basically kept it all on. Ready for a change but I am completely addicted to fast food. I know everyone says that and all but it literally consumes all of my thoughts. I love healthy foods too so I basically need to learn to replace that overwhelming psychological issue I have with junk food because it is getting exhausting. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing what I see. Starting to try to work out but that is also a work in progress as I hate it.

    I have depression and anxiety which is also another reason I know I need to start getting healthy as I KNOW it makes me feel better. I am trying to lose abooooooout idk 25-30 lbs? Basically just however much I feel like as I would like to gain muscle! Good to meet everyone! :)
