First Deployment Fears (Navy)

SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
I am newlywed to a Navy Sailor, E4, married almost 4 months & been friends forever. Our first deployment is coming up and I am incredibly nervous and really upset. He is leaving for 7 months in Oct, as well as our roommate. Josh, my husband, is my workout buddy, my best friend, just everything to me. When he is underway at sea, I never think to eat or workout. I just get SO lonely and don't do anything. But I have a goal I am working on reaching for when he gets back. Is there any advice ya'll can give? I'd appreciate it very much.


  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Congratulations to you and your husband. I've been married for less than a year and a half. My husband is also E4 in the Navy and has his first underway in September. Not sure how long he will be gone, but I'm not looking forward to it. I would suggest finding another workout buddy or maybe see if they offer cardio classes like zumba at the gyms on base where you could meet other navy wives.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Surround yourself with supportive people. Stay positive. Keep yourself busy! Start a new hobby (cooking, crafting, etc) Find joy in little things (preparing care packages, hearing your mans voice, seeing him on skype). If you don't dwell on the super crappy parts, you'll be just fine. Good luck, dear.

    (btw, I'm an army wife of almost 9 years. been through 3 deployments plus several tdy's among other things. I don't claim to know all, these are just things that have helped me!) :)
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    A little experience under my belt.

    Hubby has been in the Army for 16 years, we've been married for 10 years. We've been separated 2 1/2 years total. A year to Korea, then his return assignment he was home 45 days then deployed to Iraq for 7 months. Then home for 18 months and deployed back to Iraq for 14 months.

    There is nothing you can do to make it not suck. It's a difficult time, but you WILL make it through. I always allow myself 2-3 days to be a complete mess. I get a bunch of movies and sit in my house and be a bum. Then I force myself to get into a new routine. Totally agree with beckkotsch, surround yourself with fun and positive people to help make the most of your time and fill your time up as much as you possibly can.

    I hope this helps. Just remember that it's okay to be sad, allow yourself that time to kind of grieve him being gone, just don't allow yourself to stay in that place. It doesn't mean you are over it and feel like doing tons of stuff, you will still feel sad but the only way to move past it is to force yourself, otherwise that is a very miserable place to stay while he is away.

    I like to make the most of it. Challenge yourself, do something that you have wanted to do but it always seems to get pushed to the side. That way when he is home you accomplished something with that time and can feel good about it.

    Best of luck!!
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks ya'll. It's only 3 months away & I'm trying SO hard to be strong for him.
    :) My mom (wife for 20+ years) just tells me to suck it up. I'll have to try to find a class or something.
  • A little experience under my belt.

    Hubby has been in the Army for 16 years, we've been married for 10 years. We've been separated 2 1/2 years total. A year to Korea, then his return assignment he was home 45 days then deployed to Iraq for 7 months. Then home for 18 months and deployed back to Iraq for 14 months.

    There is nothing you can do to make it not suck. It's a difficult time, but you WILL make it through. I always allow myself 2-3 days to be a complete mess. I get a bunch of movies and sit in my house and be a bum. Then I force myself to get into a new routine. Totally agree with beckkotsch, surround yourself with fun and positive people to help make the most of your time and fill your time up as much as you possibly can.

    I hope this helps. Just remember that it's okay to be sad, allow yourself that time to kind of grieve him being gone, just don't allow yourself to stay in that place. It doesn't mean you are over it and feel like doing tons of stuff, you will still feel sad but the only way to move past it is to force yourself, otherwise that is a very miserable place to stay while he is away.

    I like to make the most of it. Challenge yourself, do something that you have wanted to do but it always seems to get pushed to the side. That way when he is home you accomplished something with that time and can feel good about it.

    Best of luck!!
    I completely agree..I've been with my husband from the very beginning and we've been though 3 1/2 deployments so far in al,ost 4 years in and it is really hard he is also navy and e4..biggest thing is keep busy and keep around supportive people.know that you are an amazing and can get though everything that is thrown in your way...I've constantly been told. By people you are so strong but the truth is I'm not...I fall apart sometimes..and somehow I always seem to pick myself up because i promise there is some good to this. Think positive..
    The one thing I focus on personally is knowing the day he comes home is like meeting the love of your life all over again.. And it only makes you appreciate what you have more than you'll ever know. It's a feeling that can not be described...the day he comes home will be like a 5 year old going to Disney world x 10. Lol...
    It makes you grow up a little more each time...there will be times where you feel like nothing's going right and just want to scream...there's always something...for instance the first time he was out..I was only 10 weeks pregnant with my daughter..and about a month in the airconditioning went out in my truck in the middle of summer..I had no idea what to silly me got a fan to go in there that plugged into my cigarette charger
    Main thing is just to prepare yourself.
    I hate the suck it up mother inlaw(20 years retired). Told me that a many of times...when I hear that i curse inside my head at's not about sucking it's findingnyour own ways to cope..just focus on yourself and what makes you'll learn a lot about yourself. Keep to your'll help a lot. If you ever need someone to talk to just add me.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    its hard but you have to stick to a routine.
    My husband has been in for 8 years and I have been with him 7 1/2 of those. I lose weight during deployment because i want homecoming to be great lol Try to find ways to workout when you are depressed and stuff it cleared my head and helped me a lot.
    My husband has to move to VA and I am stuck in CT for 2 to 4 years because we bought a house and then his orders changed :( So if you ever need someone to talk to I am here to talk. you can pm me and add me if you want. My hubby is on submarines.
    It never gets easier you just learn how to cope with it and how to keep busy :)
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    My husband and I have been through 6 deployments so far and have a 7th one coming up later this year as well. The best advice I can give you is to keep busy. Yes, it's hard being alone and not having your loved one near but you just have to take it day by day and get through it. It will go by faster than you think. The first month or two is usually the hardest but then you get into a routine and it gets easier.
  • MostlyHealthyMomma
    MostlyHealthyMomma Posts: 44 Member
    You'll be fine :) This is (the end of) our second deployment in a little over 2 years, I just moved across the country because he got new orders and we're not even married yet. There's a lot of love and trust in being with a military man. As far as fitness goes, I think I'm more worried about him coming home because we get into that "fat and happy" stage way too quickly haha. Keeping busy is the BEST thing you can do for yourself and yeah there is some "sucking up" to do because it never really gets easier. I also like to obsessively check off things like the calendar or certain events/holidays, I wake up and run to my calendar to cross off another day. Less than a month away now! Homecomings make everything worth it :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    My husband and I have been through 6 deployments so far and have a 7th one coming up later this year as well. The best advice I can give you is to keep busy. Yes, it's hard being alone and not having your loved one near but you just have to take it day by day and get through it. It will go by faster than you think. The first month or two is usually the hardest but then you get into a routine and it gets easier.

    my husband is also an E-4 and finally on shore duity, he was deployed 3 times(all 7-10 month streches) and had more under way/work ups/ inservs, ect than i care to count, but thats the job. and the only way i made it tru was keeping busy. witch was pritty hard until our 1 child was born. i joined a gym, i had relitives visit, i watched entire seasons of crapy tv, made friends with all our neighbors, and signed up for every video call we could get thru the mwr/"ships wives" group worked out to 1 30min video call amonth and emails DAILY. also military one sorce used to hand out a video on dealing with deployment for faimly, it was pritty good, done by women that have gone thu 18 years of sevice with there spouses. it helped me out the first deployment tons

    - fair winds and following seas- to you and your husband:flowerforyou:
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    As everyone else said, keep busy! Go to the gym, sign up for races, make friends!
    My husband is in Korea right now and I lost 34lbs in the 4 months before he came home for his midtour (he came home earlier than most for an event). And his reaction was priceless! All the hard work was so worth it.