Is it best to cut back before a big weekend/celebration?

BeniGee Posts: 8 Member
I have got a big weekend coming up with a retirement party on Friday and a women's conference on Saturday, which means staying with an old school friend over the weekend. All three occasions will involve cakes, sandwiches etc., biscuits and alcohol. Is it better to cut back a day or two before to conserve calories OR eat normally, use a heck of a lot of strong will power and if necessary cut back after the event. The other problem is that I will not be able to fit in any exercise in between my run Friday morning and an evening walk Sunday as there is a 3 hour drive each way and my friend is not keen on exercise!!


  • bebe729
    bebe729 Posts: 20 Member
    I find that when I have a period of several days in which exercise will be next to impossible and food will be abundant I treat it as a special occasion and don't worry about the calories. Then as soon as I return to my normal life, I get right back on the wagon of eating and exercising carefully. I usually try to at least begin with veggies or a salad so that I fill up sooner and won't be so inclined to overeat. Enjoy your weekend!
  • mjegg
    mjegg Posts: 23 Member
    I agree. Make the best food choices you can while enjoying your events. Look for opportunities to be active by taking stairs instead of elevator or walking early in the morning, if you can. I find that I tend to overeat if I restrict calories too low. Have a great weekend!
  • deb_jones
    deb_jones Posts: 48 Member
    Just do the best you can and don't beat yourself up about going over. Every day is a new day! :happy:
  • BeniGee
    BeniGee Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the advise. Survived the weekend, just!! Plenty of sugar overload, but back on track now:)