Looking for new friends

bblunds Posts: 7 Member
Im a breastfeeding mama looking to lose the baby weight i gained with my now 7 month old daughter. I have a 2 yr old daughter too. Please add me!


  • luvinmefirst
    luvinmefirst Posts: 160 Member
    I will add you. My son is 7 months and I didn't gain any extra weight during pregnancy. Just looking to loss the weight I had before I got pregnant.
  • Limonade
    Limonade Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 3months daughter. I want to loose the weight I gained during pregnancy and 8 pounds that I gained the year before.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey! I'm a new mom. My little girl is 3 months old and I'm looking to loose about 40 lbs of baby weight and probably about 15 lbs more after that. I'll add you!
  • Strawberry09
    Strawberry09 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Im just getting back on here to lose my pregnancy weight. 22y/o with a 4 month old little boy :-)
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    I am also a new mom to a 7 month old boy. I am a few pounds away from my prepregnancybweight and looking to drop another 30 pounds also. Looking forward to sending you some encouragement your way
  • sgjohnson89
    sgjohnson89 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have a 4 year old and EBF my 6.5 month old :)
    PrePregnancy Weight:146.8
    Gained while pregnant: 23
    Weight Now:143
    Goal Weight:130
    Long Term Goal:125

    Ive been at a stand still for about a month now. Im going to up my calories (from 1700) to 1900 and see where that gets me. :)
  • ajhaugen2
    ajhaugen2 Posts: 3
    I'm looking for new MFP friends, too, so I'll add you ladies!

    My third child is 9 weeks old. I gained 60 lbs with each of my three pregnancies, and lost it each of the other times, so I'm working hard to lose it again this time (although I'm finding that, since it's been a decade since my first pregnancy, I'm having a harder time this time around. I refuse to believe it's because I'm getting old - lol!!).

    Prepregnancy weight was 125
    Current weight is 150

    Goal is to get back to 125 by this fall when the two big kids go back to school! :)
  • mrsnicole1
    mrsnicole1 Posts: 6 Member
    Looking for new breastfeeding mama friends too, I have 30 pounds to lose, I have a 4 month old that I'm still nursing.. Add me too :)
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    I also have a 4 month old. I am about 35lbs away from my goal weight. I could definitely use all the support and encouragement that I can get.
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    I'll add yall : ) I have 2 year old and a 10 month old and about 20-30lbs to loose. I lost 50 lbs after having my son so I figure I only have half of that to loose this time. Good luck ladies, we can all do it together!!!!