Cheat Day/Meal or No?

What is your opinion on the "cheat day" or "cheat meal" during your lifestyle change?


  • reetle1
    reetle1 Posts: 3
    You have to have a day to let your hair down. Otherwise, you begin to resent limiting yourself. Fortunately, you'll find yourself making better choices, and eating less than you would have pre-lifestyle change. I have learned to forgive myself - and that is a good thing.
  • TorieQ
    TorieQ Posts: 4
    There are times when I have to eat two "Lean and Green" meals because of lifestyle issues [i.e. having no power for two days or neing at an afternoon picnic.]

    Other than that, I stick to Medifast pretty closely. I know that if I get the taste of my fave foods in my mouth, my rational brain turns off and my addict brain screams into high gear.
  • gfcsailor
    gfcsailor Posts: 3 Member
    Like most of us, I think, I have to "cheat" sometimes...for a couple of reasons. Number 1 - I'm diabetic and if my sugar drops very low I have to drink or eat something that will turn instantly to glucose that my body can use; Number 2 - I'm just not always going to plan my meals right. For instance, this weekend when we ate at Jason's Deli, I just didn't use my head and had the "lite" Plain Jane potato and it was 1130 calories. When that happens, I am now able to get right back on my food plan. It's when it happens several days in a row that I get into trouble. That's where the My Fitness Pal tracking systems helps me at lot. Tracking my food does keep me honest for the most part. :wink:
  • I allow myself one cheat meal a week. I try to either stick to a meal I normally wouldn't order or I let myself have a dessert. Occasionally during the week I go 100 calories over one or two days but for the most part I stick to my guns. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change I can stick with in the long-term.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm not doing cheat days/meals because right now low carb is helping me break my addictions to sugar and carby things. I have found that an occasional low carb tortilla or atkins candy bar is a nice treat, but I work it into my carbs allowance. I think after 20 years of cheating on diets, I don't really think I need any more cheats. Plus, I'm eating stuff like steak with blue cheese cream sauce, peanut butter cream cheese fudge, big salads with ranch dressing and farm fresh heirloom tomatoes, zuchini pan fried in almond flour, and taco omelets. I don't really need to cheat because I'm already eating yummy foods.