All this stress is not doing me any good

ymug2001 Posts: 41 Member
:sad: First, to start off let me aplologize for complaining so much its just that this is the only place where I feel like I can talk and not be judged. Well after coming out to my family everyone stoped talking to me except for when they had the need to offend me. My mom told me she was emberessed of me and my sister told me she did not want anything to do with me. After hearing all t his I got my things and my daughter and left from my parents house. From the moment I left I started getting all kinds of messeges telling me what a bad mom I am how selfish I am, and my sister even told me that she would make me pay for all this because I'm hurting my daughter and everyone else. I have been so stressed out like I have never been before. I have been at my uncles house these days but I will be leaving tomorrow and going to move in w my gf. Besides all this stress the whole driving so far is not helping but I just could not stay there any longer hearing all those things and having them tell my daughter how everything Im doing is so wrong.


  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Very glad you got out. Don't look back.
  • ymug2001
    ymug2001 Posts: 41 Member
    Very glad you got out. Don't look back.

    Thank you! It's just hard when I keep getting all those messeges from everyone and I hate it that they make me feel like Im the one doing something wrong.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Wow. Good job getting out but I am sorry it's been so rough.

    Have you thought about doing something like, giving them one warning about their attitudes, and then cutting them off if they can't behave? My girlfriend didn't talk to her family for years, and that wasn't even because she came out!-- they were just THAT BAD.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Glad to hear you're doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and your daughter. You don't need all that negativity in your life. It sounds to me like they are mainly mad at you because you are not letting them control you any longer.
  • ymug2001
    ymug2001 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm glad I took this decision but it is very stressful. What they say they are mad about is that I am going to ruin my daughters life and that I took her away from them. I let them know I was leaving but I left when they were not home because I knew how things would get if I waited until they were all home. So right now noone is talking to me and I dont know if they will. My mom says I have to understand why everyone is acting like this, that it is because I have hurt them and I told her that was not my intention and no one cares about how I am feeling, her answer was well you looked for the problem on your own we didnt. So I guess Im just supposed to deal with whatever they feel like telling me.
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Im so proud of you for pushing through. I understand exactly where your coming from. Out of all my LGBT friends I was the only one who had problems with coming out to my parents. My partners parent was not happy about her come out but when she told her mom we were going to have a baby her parents flipped. Its been almost 3 years since she talked to her parents. They wont answer her phone calls, letters, etc. Me on the other hand, my parents took it horribly. We stopped talking for an entire year. Although they do not fully accept my choices they have came around and now have a relationship with my partner, my son, and I. You hang on in there. I know how hard this is for you. Use your health as a platform for empowerment. At least thats one thing we have some control over. ;-)